Silent Cry

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Once the vehicle came to a halt, I realized I wasn't ready at all. 

Hyunjin and Felix got out of the car first, heading straight towards their destination. Chan and Jeongin were next to exit. 

After already getting out of the car, Chan stuck his head back in quickly and his eyes met mine. It was like he was giving me one last chance to but out and for a split second, I wanted to choose that option. 

"I trust you." 

He could've been talking to all of us, but it felt like he was talking to me specifically. Memories of the last time he put his trust in me flooded through my head instantly. 

Somehow, instead of feeling reassured his statement felt more like a reminder to not fuck it up. Not this time.

I took a deep breath and took Jisungs extended hand to pull myself out of the van with his help, Minho followed after. 

Once all of us had left Changbin alone in the driver seat, he took off.

"Let's go". Jisung sounded excited and Minho opened the door of the mansion we were standing in front of without hesitation.

"This is a neutral ground for all of us, no worries, if you just stick to what we've taught you, you'll be fine" Jisung said when he noticed that I froze in anxiety. 

There were so many people. 

I definitely didn't expect that many gang members in one place. Or for them to be that many in general. The main room of the 'house' we visited was packed with at least 80 people. 

"Y/N" Minho growled lowly and I realized I still stood rooted on the front porch. 

"Look at me" Jisung whispered in my ear next to me and I followed his recommendation, earning a smile from him.

"What's the first thing we'll do?" Back in his teacher role he was trying to make me take a pop quiz. 

I tried to scan the room to get an overview. Loud music, way too many people dancing on the dance floor and a bar on the other side of the room.

"Drinks". He nodded approvingly and we headed for the bar together. 

I ordered my go-to alcoholic beverage and considered to just get a little drunk to ease my nerves. 

But drunk me would most definitely fuck this up. 

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned" Jisung mused and took a sip of his drink. That made me take one of mine as well. A few sips to get loose wouldn't hurt. 

"I guess Hyunjin told you about your mission?" I nodded, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "C'mon, you look amazing. Nothing could go wrong!"

His comment made me blush even harder. 

"Next step to accomplish your mission?" 

I shrugged my shoulders. 

"How about remembering a 3-D rule?" he laughed and I gave him a confused look. "Drink, Dance, Don't fuck up". 


"Just a joke, don't kill me" he put his hands up in defense before reaching one out to me. "Can I have this dance?"

And without waiting for my answer he dragged me along with him onto the already full dance floor in the middle of the room. 

"Wait, where's Minho?" I asked a little worried. He had disappeared the moment we entered the building. And wasn't Jeongin supposed to be with us at this point already? Jisung just shrugged his shoulders and continued dancing. 

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