Gone Away

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It's been a month since I escaped my prison at Stray Kids Head Quarters. 

Or since I lost my mind and betrayed a handsome gang leader that just tried to be nice to me.

And of course all of his incredibly dangerous friends. 

I was watching the news every night, but there was no story reporting members of the notorious gang arrested.

I didn't know if I was even hoping to see these news. (Spoiler: I wasn't.)

Sana and I went to look for new apartments right after and found a very nice one on the other side of the city. It was a small 2 bedroom apartment and the only reason we were able to afford the rent was because we were together and paid equal amounts. But it was 'in a bougie and safe neighborhood, so no weirdos would climb up to our balcony' if I quote Sana. And that was exactly what we were looking for in our new home.

Living together was still a little bit challenging for the both of us, but we were managing to adjust to each other and share our chores. Our friendship was on another level. 

"We really have to go grocery shopping" Sana stated after closing the empty fridge in disappointment. 

"Yeah, give me a pen and a piece of paper and I'll write us a list" I answered, not wanting to get up from my comfortable spot on the couch. Sana laughed.

"Pen and paper, seriously Y/N?" she asked amused. "Just take your phone out and write it in your notes" she plopped down next to me. Right, how old-school of me. 

Obeying Sana's suggestion, I opened up the notes app in my phone. 

Instead of giving me the option to make a new entry, my phone showed me the latest one I supposedly made. It was a bunch of random numbers without any context. 

I starred at it in confusion, not remembering ever typing any of it. 

"Okay so we desperately need cereal! And potatoes should be our first priority. And also-" She stopped listing groceries and looked at me. "You aren't even typing! Y/N! Are you listening?"

I was indeed not hearing a word she said. Something about tomatoes? 

My brain had figured out who had to have put the digits in my notes app. And while Sana was opening the fridge again and telling me that we were out of eggs, I concluded what exactly these numbers meant. 

It was a phone number. 

Before I could think twice about it, I saved the number to my contacts and deleted the note. I had no intention of ever calling that number, since I could already guess who it belonged to but I also couldn't just fully delete it. 

At least not now.

I would figure it out later, I told myself.

During our grocery trip Sana practically dragged me through the store and only stopped when the cashier gave her a weird look. The best scene had to have been her outburst of frustration in the fruit and vegetable isle. She ran towards the bananas and happily threw a bunch of them in our cart when she caught me taking a glimpse of the apples. 

"C'mon girl, you look like you bit into a poisoned one before" she commented before realizing why I was starring at them. 

"Jesus Y/N it's a stupid apple, move on"

And god I wish I could.

That night I couldn't sleep.

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