Battle Ground

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Taeyong was the first to break the silence, his maniacal laugh echoing. 

"Welcome back, Y/N!" His eyes found me as if I wasn't hid behind his sworn enemy. "Thank you for falling into my trap and brining your crew along." He snickered as he took in all of us. "You even brought Yeji and the girls". I could feel how Sana tensed up next to me when his gaze landed on her.

"You took in the traitor?" His eyes widened in surprise and I squeezed Sanas trembling hand. I could tell it was getting to her to be called a traitor when all she wanted was for her boyfriend to be safe. Which was exactly why she was here this time around too.

"Chan, what do we do?" Yejis serious voice spoke through the gadget in my ear.

"Well, me, personally, I wouldn't let that slide", Taeyong said dramatically, pointing at Johnny behind him. He looked completely fine. I had thought he had to be locked up and tortured or something, but here he was. Not one hair missing from his head. Sana next to me tensed up even more if that was even possible. Chan still hadn't uttered a single word, no one had moved.

"Pretty good at his role of a double agent, huh? But I did have to show him why it was smarter to be on my side, once again." So he did in fact break his rib.

Johnnys eyes were fixed on Sana and vice versa, both having a starring contest. Taeyong didn't notice or just didn't care but a pained expression went over Johnnys face, while his eyes never left hers. 

"That's why I'm better than you and why I managed to recruit so many more. A leader should be feared. But no, you're trying to be friends with everyone, you call these people your family?" Taeyongs tone was mocking as he spat on the ground in disgust. 

"Chan, we need a plan," this time it was Hyunjins voice in my ear.

"But you took my family and it got me thinking, Bang Chan. I don't think I'll be satisfied by taking your life." Taeyong took a few steps in our direction.

"Stay calm everyone" Chans voice was heard over the in-ear pieces and since I stood behind him, I could witness him whisper it.

"I want to make you suffer. Make you feel the same way you made me feel." His eyes darkened as his grin widened. "I will kill your family."

Instead of being phased by the threat or doing anything a rational human being would do Chan calmly turned around, turning his back towards his enemy. He was an absolute lunatic. Turning your back towards your enemy means you can't see what they're doing, what they're planning, what-

"Do you trust him?" He asked, his question aimed at Sana. Sanas eyes left Johnnys for a split second to look at Chan. The smallest nod in response made him turn back around, his eyes lingering on mine for what felt like a check-up on how I was doing. 

I was ... not doing fine?

Taeyong was fuming. Chan had showed him that his threat had no impact and that he was not scared of anything that was coming. He had already established his dominance by this simple action.

"Well, guess we'll find out soon enough which method is the way to succeed. Torture and fear are reserved for my enemies. I couldn't imagine to hurt the people close to me." Chan took a few steps towards Taeyong and although I couldn't see it, I knew he was the one grinning now.

"Tell me, TY, did your dad teach you that?" He was taunting him.

And everything happened too fast. 

Taeyong pulled his gun and started shooting and Sana pulled me onto the ground with her. My face hit the cold earth underneath me and brought me to my senses once again. I was in the middle of a literal battle field. And my boyfriend had just provoked his most dangerous opponent. 

"What are you doing? The plan still stands, nothing's changed" Minho barked in my ear and I didn't know if it was from the impact of my fall to the ground or the in-ear piece that I could hear him double. 

Nothings changed? Everything did change! It was a trap and Johnny wasn't being held anywhere.

"He's right, Chan didn't voice a new plan so we're going with the old one," Lia agreed as she pulled me up and quickly checked me for injuries. "How do you feel?"

"Like all of you are completely insane." 

Minho laughed at my answer and started cracking his knuckles. "Welcome to the reality of being a Stray Kid, Snow White". He threw a punch at a guy coming up on his right, knocking him out instantly. "Let's go help Channie now."

We made our way through the fighting mess of people with Minho leading the way. Well, Minhos fists leading the way. The four of us made it to the heart of the battle in no time. Chan nodded at Minho and threw him something I couldn't see. 

Then he focused on me. "Are you hurt?" Worry was written across his features as he shot at someone behind me. Chans lip was bleeding and a bruise was already forming under his left eye. Not to mention the blood on his leg that I could only pray wasn't his.

"I'm okay". My statement made him relax slightly, tensing up when he raised his gun to aim behind me again. He pulled me behind himself with his other hand. 

Johnny stood there, holding his right side where I assumed the broken rib was still healing. 

"You want some more of those broken ribs?" Minho offered angrily, referring to his clenched fists but Johnny ignored him. 

Sana rushed towards him and hugged him tight until he winced from pain. "Sorry," she murmured, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. 

"You seriously took her in?" Johnny asked Chan with an unreadable expression. 

"She's my girlfriends best friend. She's my friend. She's family." Chan replied not batting an eye, his gun still pointing at my best friends boyfriend. 

Johnny just nodded. "And you came back here to save me?" 

As if he was reminded of what the mission was, Chan lowered his gun. "Check him for injuries, Lia." The girl did as she was told and examined her patient. 

"At least 2 broken ribs. You should most definitely rest." Johnny bit his lip to hide a grin. Then he looked back to Chan.

"Thank you." Chan was the one to nod in response now. 

 "I'm afraid to interrupt whatever wholesome get together you're having," Taeyong had reappeared with 6 of his men close to his side. His gun pointed right at me, his finger on the trigger.

"What a disappointment you are after all, Johnny".

That was when a different voice was heard and the entire battle ground fell silent. 

"Guess I could say the same thing about you, son".

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