CHAPTER 6- She is the BOSS

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As we reached the sight, we were shocked out of wits and it was more shocking for the person sitting next to me. Actually the office entrance was beautifully decorated as if a red carpet event was going on and I had no idea what was going on. We both got down the car and he asked a stupid question "Is it the right address?" and I nodded as I was busy exploring the view. The whole entrance was decorated with elegant flowers and as we entered we were welcomed by the board of directors standing in a line on the entrance and formally dressed employees who were standing in rows opposite to each other on both sides of the way. As we took steps forward they started showering rose petals on us and I was feeling as if some royal procession was going on. We reached the entrance and I greeted everyone present there and touched the feet of the elder members of the board while a handshake was enough for others and Siddarth looked at me wide eyed.

'This man is weird' are the only thoughts my mind could make up.

After this greeting ceremony everybody congratulated me for my wedding and I just smiled and said thanks but my mind laughed at my condition as this wedding was just a compromise. Then a question ringed in my mind and I asked the directors

"Who told you that we were going to come to the office and that too together?" as they gifted a watch to Siddarth and many other couple gifts to us.

They all said "OUR KHABRI (informer)" in unison and started laughing and a smile adorned my lips hearing that word. Siddarth looked confused and I whispered to him that they were talking about Veena. He nodded and asked if he could accompany me to my cabin and I mouthed a yes and everybody dispersed to their work. We entered my cabin and he started blabbering

"Is this a company or some family function going on? Never in my life have I experienced any such thing. Moreover I have seen that the boss greets the members formally and here you were touching the feet of directors as if they were your uncles."

I smiled at his antics and said "yes I consider them my family". He chuckled and asked "Do you even sign deals in this company if only friendly relations are made? This is silly."

I sighed as now he was questioning my business skills directly and the bold girl was back. I cleared my throat, gaining his attention and he instantly stopped laughing.

"I guess it's time you should leave for your work " I said in my cold tone. He understood that I was shooing him away and said bye and left the place. After five minutes I realised that Mr Roy had arrived at this place for the first time and it's a freaking building with around 20 floors and even I can get lost in this building if I get busy with my phone. I laughed at that thought but suddenly I got concerned and called the security guard to know if Mr Roy reached back to the parking or not and as soon as I heard a negative reply I was sure that he lost his way and being the sweetheart I am I went to look after that crazy person who could not ask the way from someone around.

My mind gritted out 'You are more insane to let him leave alone to get lost' and even though it's harsh but it's true.

As I entered the elevator I realised that as soon as I entered the cabin I have started calling him Mr Roy getting even more formal than before but my mind again said 'It's all the side effect of being formal and bossy always' and I blocked these thoughts as soon as I reached the floor where Mr Roy was supposed to be as per the CCTV footage. I went towards the floor reception as it was the floor specially built for all the interns. I enquired from her regarding his location and she told me to go towards the desks in block number 5 but to be precise her words were

"Are you asking about the handsome hunk that just passed by?" and I just nodded and inwardly chuckled at the description. As she realised he is my husband which is not yet officially declared but half of the office has got the news due to that grand welcome she looked down in embarrassment and I just patted her back telling her to cool down.

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