CHAPTER 12- The blooming friendship

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Hello lovelies

I am back with the next chapter. Enjoy reading.....Vote, comment and follow.....motivate me to give you early updates....I guess this one will be a little boring....share your views in the comment box....

WARNING- This chapter contains both POV's so don't get confused.


Riya's POV

After all the drama I really did not want to fight with this angry man.

"Why did you say that you will leave this house? Didn't you think that you were leaving me behind?" he roared and I was shocked at his outburst. Last time he raised his voice when I entered his life and now he is raising his voice because I talked about leaving his house.

It sounded foreign to my ears that somebody was shouting at me for thinking about leaving him. This feeling is quite great but I just looked at him with a blank look.

"How could you even think of leaving me for such a petty issue?" he shouted looking straight into my eyes. My serious mood faded away and I thought of doing a bit of teasing with my friend.

"Awww....Oh so Mr Roy, sorry my hubby doesn't want me to leave him and why is that so?" I asked, making an innocent face with mischief shining in my eyes. I am not able to understand yet why I always speak more than required with this man. My cold aura goes on a break with him and I am damn confused about the same.

He looked at me, understanding my mischievous intentions, but said angrily "Because you are my friend and I don't even know you properly. Don't even think of leaving me. You are my wife"

I nodded but I guess my playful side was still on so I asked "Is my poor friend going to sleep on the couch too small for him?"

"I am going to sleep on the bed" he answered, making my playful side go out of the window and a blush crept to my cheeks. What's wrong with me?

"Cute" he muttered and he was audible enough and my blush deepened.

"I mean we will share this king size bed and make a wall with pillows in between because that couch throws me on the floor by morning" he said, making me smile. I nodded and said "Cool then I will take the left side of the bed and you take the right one"

Suddenly the light went off and there was darkness all around. I heard the sound of something breaking and panic rising inside me and I remember one of my dreadful days. I drop all my thoughts aside and hug the man standing right in front of me tightly. He stiffened at first and then gently wrapped his arms around me but I could only remember 'It's your fault' and 'Be ready for punishment' words which were shouting in my ears and I mumbled clutching on to him " NO...NO....I haven't done anything wrong, Please forgive me."

Suddenly lights came back and I realised my blunder and stepped back immediately. I don't know why but I felt the lack of warmth. I muttered a "thank you" and rushed to the washroom evading the questions that could make me uncomfortable.

I came back after changing into my night clothes and he was sitting on his side of the bed busy in his mobile. He looked at me but soon went back to what he was doing and I was thankful that he wasn't asking anything. I went towards my side of the bed and slept on my side adjusting my comforter. I slowly drifted to sleep.....


Siddarth's POV

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