CHAPTER 13 - Kunal Jaisingh

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Siddarth's POV

Today I went to her office with my team and we were taken to the VIP waiting area. I was confused as Riya is always one step ahead in being punctual. Her complete office was extremely silent and some employees were running here and there. Suddenly a young girl maybe her PA came to me and said "Sir, ma'am is busy in a meeting so she will join you within next 10 minutes"

I nodded and she asked "Sir, If you want you can sit inside her cabin till the time she arrives." I thought for a moment and said "Fine"

She said "Please come, sir" and she guided me along the way. I entered her highly sophisticated cabin.

I entered her cabin and the PA left me as I settled myself on one of the chairs. Suddenly I heard her sound but she wasn't around and then my gaze fell on the screen placed before me where the direct telecast from the board room was being played. Maybe the PA forgot to switch it off.



Mr Kang: let's organise a charity ball

Mr Sumit: Let's do a fashion show

Mr Richmond: Let's organise a fundraiser

Mrs Walia: Let's keep it simple and stick to a formal business party

Riya just stood there silently and nodded at every suggestion. After their suggestions ended she was just standing there thinking about the pros and cons of each one of them.

Mr Kang: Riya, it's just an event and you have all the authority and power to organise them without our consultation. You can even sign deals and make crucial decisions without asking us as you hold the maximum shares. I agree that our stakes and importance can't be ignored but we already support you so why this discussion. Choose any one of these options and just inform us.

Riya shook her head and chuckled.

Riya: No ways, the decision will be a collective one so let's opt for voting.

Mr Kang: Why do you always consider our opinion when you know that you can do it all by yourself?

Riya: In a family the opinion of every member counts so I am doing the same. Now come on, start voting.

Everyone smiled at her words and the procedure of voting started.

What can I expect from Riya, that day she boasted about her powers which she has never used upon others. What a creature was she? I wondered.

After voting a fashion show cum party was selected and now the venue was to be decided.

Mr Kang: Let's keep the venue my guesthouse this time.

Mrs Walia: We organised the fundraiser there only so let's think of something new. Umm...I think it should be Riya's new house this time. Roy mansion will be perfect.

Riya (sighed): Mrs Walia I don't think it's a good option.

Mr Richmond: I think it's a perfect idea only if you are comfortable.

Riya: So gentlemen, we will have to wind up this meeting here only as I have a meeting and yes I will come back to you for the venue discussion later.

Mrs Walia: Sure dear, in case there is a problem in conducting the event at Roy mansion, do clearly tell us.

Riya: don't worry Mrs Walia. There is no problem as such but give me some time to decide. So I will get back to you soon. Now please excuse me.

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