CHAPTER 8- My Workaholic Wife

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Long chapter ahead....Enjoy reading....

Siddarth's POV

I was freaking out by now as Riya was nowhere to be found and I was damn tensed. My inner conscious suddenly started a battle of its own:

She must have run away like her sister....

No dude! She is not like her sister......

How do you know?

She is so sweet and caring as she heard your harsh words and still stayed at this house...if she had to run, she could have done it long back

But we can't trust her, right?


After checking every corner of my house through CCTV camera's I sat on my bed frustrated and banged my hand on the side table and a yellow sticky not fell down on the floor.

It stated "I am going to dad's place, will be back by noon................PS: Don't freak out" and my lips curved upwards and I am sure if anybody saw The Siddarth Roy smiling after reading a sticky note will definitely not believe his eyes.

I am smiling at the fact that she knew that I will freak out even after knowing me for a day or two. I could even have ignored that the fact that she is not home as if it's no big deal but she has guessed my behaviour well and I am pretty happy with this fact.

Tired with my over emotional and dramatic life I went to do my morning business and went to the living room to turn on the TV and enjoy my Sunday which I rarely get to spend at home that too alone. Oh, come on I am a business man and the stunt that Neha pulled on the wedding day and then suddenly me getting married to a famous stranger has taken a toll on me and I am not going to leave this opportunity of living my old self. If Jiya and Diya would have been home I would have definitely enjoyed a movie marathon (in my home theatre) with them but today I will just watch any random movie on the living room TV.

Around 2 pm I had already completed watching a movie and the second one was going on and I had already eaten half of my snacks and my complete focus was on the movie. Don't judge me this soon guys, I am a fitness freak but I like to skip my diet schedule when I am enjoying my rare holiday.

Soon I started hearing some noises of two people specifically two girls fighting. With every passing minute the voices started getting louder and I could sense that only one lady was shouting and the other was maybe crying???

Suddenly the bell ringed and a servant opened the door revealing Riya and veena. Riya was crying and as soon as she saw me, she wiped her tears immediately and without sparing me a single glance she started to climb the stairs to our room and veena shouted "Please don't repeat the same thing every time Riya.... Stop right there......You had no fault dear......Please don't punish yourself......Stop please" in an extremely loud tone. My heart was already paining to see her cry and now after listening to veena's words I was sure that something very serious must have taken place because I have never seen her cry. She did not cry even after being insulted by me and my sisters but she is crying and moreover I don't get good vibes from her father. I just wanted to go and hug her tightly and console her. A loud thud was heard of Riya banging the door of our room. The bubble of tension started rising in me but I stood rooted at my place lost in her thoughts. The sound of someone continuously thumping the door brought me out of my trance and I started running upstairs. As I reached our room, I saw a worried Veena continuously smacking the door and shouting on Riya to open the door. I went towards her and asked

"What happened? Why has Riya locked the room? Why was she crying?"

"I can't tell you what happened but can you please arrange the spare key of this room?" she answered in a low voice. Understanding the depth of the situation I did not question her further and called the butler to come up with the key immediately.

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