12. Seven Deadly Sins : Lust

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The car halts at a gray imposing building, a rectangular structure re-enforced by layers of steel and cement. The windows are barred and forklift trucks are rusting in the loading bay. There are no other vehicles in the premises as they pull up in the abandoned parking lot of the demolished site. Victoria pulls the hand break and parks the car. The whole ride , no one spoke . Elizabeth notices her grip on the steering wheel , knuckles white very much like Elizabeth's face.

Victoria is quick to get out of the car , Elizabeth follows but panic wells inside her as Victoria locks the car. Pulling at the door handle she tires to get out , kicking and pushing at the door, but no avail. The door remains closed.

Victoria turns to Elizabeth,  "Its for your own protection, stay here. She is dangerous"

Elizabeth regards her with panicking confusion , "Then why are you going ?!" she yells.

Elizabeth only receives a cold glance from Victoria suggesting she wants to be alone , as she walks around looking for Amy.


No response

And that is when she notices her.

Amy leans against a rough wood, inspecting her nails and completely indifferent in the face of raw fury , that is Victoria.

Elizabeth observes the scene unfold ,clear as day from the confines of the locked car.

Either Amy is unaware of Victoria's reputation or simply ignorant in her permanent state of narcissism. Victoria's stance is defy as she crosses the shards of abandoned construction loam in the parking lot to acknowledge Amy properly.

"Why Carmon?"

Amy doesn't bother looking up


Victoria takes a step towards her , Amy stands up a little straighter , her expression depicting pure revulsion.

"What did Carmon do to deserve that? The man you slit the throat of just becauseI slept with once"

Amy's lips turn up in derision as she laughs shaking her head , the red curls falling shoulder length.

"Come Amy , humor me. Give me an answer"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

There is a hollow thud as Amy is rammed into the crate behind her , pinned to the wood by her blazer lapels. Victoria is swift in her movements as she presses Amy further into the wood.

"You took your time. I was wondering when i would get to see the real Victoria Smith , and your dear friend is here to witness. How lovely"

"You killed him!"

There is irritation behind Amy's flattening smile

"What is this ? A pretense ? or are you usually this thick ?I'm not sure which part you don't understand"

"Carmon West" Victoria spits "He was dead in his room."

"And what has that got to do with me? i don't know a- oh . The geeky guy at the ball? "

"Yes , him"

Amy pretends like she never said anything.

Victoria hesitates , she can sense the nagging is just to mask genuine confusion. Slowly she releases her grip and Amy straightens up , looking at her with veritable disgust

So much so that even Elizabeth feels her temper spiking.

"A dead man's justice , is that why I'm here?"

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