23. Unrestraint

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She is in her safe space again , the basement of Lucas's mansion. It's filled with pain inflicting gear , ironically. An impressive collection of knives hang on the wall. Victoria observes them with a atypical affection. The curve of each handle , and the sharp edges that reflect in the down lighting of the basement. They are covered in a glass case , and there is dried blood on them. It's like a showcase of his prize collection .

Her hands are wrapped in boxing tape , since the basement is immense it is filled with high tech fighting and training equipment. Victoria leans against a wall , her breath heaving from her earlier brawl with the punching bag. There is a boxing ring in the corner or the room , two treadmills and the rest of the area consisted of weights , squat racks and other machinery she isn't aware of. The other half of the basement is dedicated to a shooting range.

She keeps admiring the knives on the wall , until she hears a glass door screeching at its hinges being pulled open.

A pair of strong soled shoes slap against the rubber floor of the basement. Victoria's eyes meet Lucas , he is dressed in a black t-shirt sticking to him like a second skin , a compression type cloth . He has gained a significant amount of muscle since he came back. His biceps are strapping-ly fuller and his back is wider , his arms seem to fill out the t-shirt like it was specifically made for him.

Whereas , she herself was dressed in cycling shorts and a sweatshirt that was two sizes too big for her. He is brisk on his feet , following Victoria's gaze.

"They are beautiful aren't they?"

Victoria nods , as they both laud over the assemblage of sharp objects "Why haven't they been cleaned?"

He laughs "Memories"

"What about the machete ?"

"Helped me escape a mental asylum"


"i know , i am"

Victoria looks over to him , biting her lips . "Wanna go a few rounds?"

Lucas smiles and motions her to proceed to the ring "ladies first"

Victoria chuckles and climbs onto the ring "I'm no lady"

She takes a fighting stance watching him climb after her . He wraps the tape carefully , covering his knuckles and finally his wrist. She watches him intently , as his muscles flex with each precise movement , his eyes solely focused on the wrapping the boxing tape. Lastly his eyes meet hers and he takes a fighting stance opposite to her.

Victoria was know for her advances to be impulsive and much force. But she had hardly ever seen Lucas fight. They circle each other , Victoria is deducing his weak point and Lucas smiling like he already knows hers.

She throws her right fist at the curve of his head , he dodges and grabbing her wrist mid air , twisting his torso , he smoothly spins and manages to swing his elbow at the back of her neck.

She staggers on her feet and drops down on the mat of the ring , surprised at the keenness of his actions. She quickly scrambles to her feet ignoring the dim strain in the back of her neck and skull.

Lucas watches smugly as she takes up her stance again. Her fists are clenched tighter than before , she narrows her eyes and advances carefully , she throws a cross between jabs and hooks , he manages to defend himself , keeping his elbows up and slips from her hasty charges at him.

They brawl like that for a few more minutes and Victoria backs off , breathing heavily. She lowers her hand for a second and Lucas finds his chance to tackle her to the ground , hooking his feet under hers , she falls to the ground like tree. Lucas stands over her , smiling.

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