Chapter 6

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I was so thankful that yesterday was over. I made a fool of myself asking him how old he was. Okay, I might have been overdramatic but it sure felt like it.

I woke up early since I had class,I braided my hair and resorted to my casual and comfortable clothes. I missed wearing high heels since I became a nanny but high heels weren't really an option. I turned on some music, Tyler didn't come home last night but most nights he was working late and would fall asleep in his office.

I was dancing about and in my off tone voice singing 'Forget you' loudly, luckily my neighbors were an elderly couple and half deaf.

"I'm like forget you and forget her too!" 

My class was long and I had a few assignments to do this week.

My class finished just before lunch. It wasn't time for me to pick Luca up yet but I had to switch cars from my old mustang to the minivan Gabriele was generously letting me drive. I reversed out but then I ran over the garbage can. I hurriedly picked it up, it had a nasty dent in. This time I reversed out without a problem. I hope he doesn't see that.

A few minutes later I stopped at Luca's school. I stood waiting in the crowd of nannies, some I knew very well so the conversation was light.

"Are you still working for the Smith's?" I shook my head.

"No, I finished there about two weeks ago."

"So, whose child are you looking after then?" Gwenn asked curiously.

"Mr. Armanto." Some of the ladies gawked at me.

"Really? I wouldn't mind working for a sexy beast like him. That's unfair that he didn't even interview any of us." I was about to reply but then the school bell rang. The kids came rushing out, I waited for Luca who came out a few minutes after the others.

He looked frazzled and shaken up, I rushed to him.

"Luca are you okay?" He sniffled and didn't say anything. He ran to the car door flinging himself onto his seat and buckling up. Something was wrong with him. If I could talk to him it would help but at this moment he clammed shut.

We arrived home after a quiet ride, usually, he would be talking to me about everything that happened during his day and about his friends. I gracefully parked the minivan in the garage, when I opened the door leading to the house, Luca ran upstairs and locked his door.

I sighed and set my bag down on the table. Luca wasn't going to talk to me, I learned that from the previous boy I looked after. I would plead and ask nicely but nothing would make him budge until he calmed down. I made lunch quickly and walked to his room.

"Luca, I made you lunch."

The door didn't budge, I sat down beside his door with the plate in my hand.

"It's your favorite sandwich, ham, and cheese." Nothing came from the other side.

I reluctantly pulled myself up, I had to give him time. I put away his sandwich and began my assignment. About three hours later after I tried to check on him numerous times Gabriele came home. He was early tonight.

"Hi, where's Luca?" He asked as soon as he entered the kitchen.

"He's in his room, he doesn't want to open up for me." His forehead formed a frown. He untied his tie and placed his jacket on the chair.

"I've been worried about him, a few nights ago he had a bad nightmare and I just knew something was wrong. Did he say anything?"I shook my head.

"Not a word, I tried but he didn't budge,"

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