Chapter 36

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I'm now currently 8 months pregnant and about a week or so. I felt like a blowfish. I was huge and I couldn't see my feet anymore, I couldn't drive anymore and I was stuck at home. Not that I minded, every now and then Gabriele came home for lunch or he sent Aiden over to check on me.

Aiden became like a brother to me. Tristen came to visit last week and I was surprised to find out that he and Maria were official, she was engaged before Tristen and somehow he convinced her that she needs to be with him, he was truly in love with her and she was crazy in love with him. Maya gained a mother and I couldn't believe that he proposed, my brother -the forever alone meme- proposed.

They had a history. I'm happy he found his piece of heaven like I found mine.

Luca was officially six years old yesterday, we had a small party for him and he looked so happy, Gabriele was sad because his 'little man' was growing up so quickly. We showed him the sonar when we were three months pregnant and he asked: "Do they come in pairs?" We told him, no but that we were lucky. He is so excited and would usually talk to my ever growing stomach.

The past few months flew by, most nights Gabriele laid his head on my stomach and listened if he could hear anything. Sometimes I could see the little foot kicking my stomach or a little hand pushing. I could tell these two had a special bond because if the one kicks, the other one pushed. I already could feel the difference between them, one was stronger and the other one turned a lot more.

The previous sonar scan showed we were expecting a boy and a girl. Gabriele loved creating the baby room but as the twins grow up would have to move and strangely enough Aiden already bought us a house, he said it was his wedding gift, a house. This guy had way too much money for his own good.

We had agreed on names, the girl would be named –Adalina Elizabeth Armanto, after my grandmother and our boy named after Gabriele's grandfather-Dante Antony Armanto.

Both our families loved it including Luca who was planning his own soccer team already and needed another eight siblings.

I sat on the couch eating ice cream (I've been craving everything and ice cream, gherkins in ice cream, cheese in ice cream). I ate another scoop when a knock came from the front door, it was too hard to get up, last time I got up too fast I lost balance and fell down but thankfully Gabriele was there and helped me or else I'd stay there.

"Who is it?" I yelled, yes it was unmannered but I have two humans inside of me who take turns to kick me so give me a little slack.

"It's Aiden, can I come in?" I yelled a 'yes' and the door opened, he walked in with his striking black suit and smiled at me.

"Hi there love. I see you are eating the kitchen stock again." I loved his British accent and he always said love which irked Gabriele badly.

"Well it's lunch and ice cream is lunch. Are you picking up Luca this afternoon?" He shook his head.

"Gabriele said he had practice and he'll pick him up after wor., I am here to check up on you and those two." He pointed to my stomach.

"I'll be nice now and make your lunch because ice cream my dear don't count as lunch and I guess the two of them don't enjoy it one bit." He pulled off his jacket and tie and rolled up his sleeves. He liked to cook I gathered from what I saw and he had a girlfriend. Gabriele told me he is a dominant and he had a submissive that walked away. He and she are just getting things back on track.

"I didn't eat this because I wanted to, who do you think made me, the terrible two wanted it badly." He made me a stew and sat down beside me and ate. I felt a kick and cringed and soon after another kick followed.

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