Chapter 11

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I tried to stop Heather from going in, I heard the noises that haunted me. The same sounds I heard the day I found Clara in bed with my best friend. I tried my best to not let her into her apartment but she pushed me out of the way. She definitively is stronger than she looks.

I stayed at the door knowing what hell is going to break loose, awkwardly I stood there. I have no idea what to do. I can't just go and leave Heather alone with him, things might become ugly. I heard her calming talking, she walked out of the door a few minutes later. Very calmly, tears rolling down her cheeks. Tyler ran out after her. I was frozen until he was about to go after her.

"Don't," I said grabbing him by the arm.

"Who the hell are you? This is between Heather and me," I furrowed my brows.

"I'm Gabriele, and by the way, if you go after her and hurt a single hair on her head I will make sure you pay dearly for it.  I'll kick your ass so far away that NASA won't find your pathetic excuse of a human being." I wasn't sure about him, he didn't look violent but with tempers flared and what he called her earlier tonight I'm not so sure she would be safe around him, and I wanted to take the mickey out of him but that was more anger towards Clara. He wouldn't be safe around her for that matter, I knew how it felt to find someone you love in someone else's arms. It hurts and the anger overshadows the hurt for a while.

He caught on that I wasn't kidding. I rushed out of the apartment jogging out in a hurry so that I could find Heather. Where would she be? And where is she headed in this state? I rushed down the street, I noticed the shadow of a woman.

I walked down to the bus stop at the end of the street where she was sitting. Sitting and sobbing. I sat beside her, she wiped off her tears, all I could see was a silhouette in the dim light of the street light. She turned her head to me.

"Why...did you come after me?" She asked in a sob. I pulled her closer.

"Did you think I'll just leave you out here? Remember what I said, I'm your friend,"

She leaned her head against my shoulder, I looked down at her.

"I know how you feel..." We stayed like this for a few minutes before she sat up. She didn't seem to want to go back to her apartment, but I didn't know if I could let her stay in the guest room. I mean I did tell her what I felt about her and the unsavory urges I had. Scenes ran through my mind about blindfolding her and making all those unsavory scenes a reality.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I had restrained myself all these years and one night wouldn't make a difference. This was not the time to think about that.

"You can stay in my guest room tonight if you don't want to go back to your apartment,"I stood up, she inhaled sharply.

"What would Luca think when he returns tomorrow, or for that fact your mother when they see I stayed over." She ran a hand through her now undone hair, which was cascading down her shoulders.

"Luca is already under the impression that you are the next Mrs.Armanto, thanks to my mother and her obscene ideas and schemes. I'll explain it to them tomorrow if I need to."

" Thank you very much." She was shaking a little and shock was taking over. When we arrived at my house her initial anger had subsided, her tears stopped but she still looked unnerved.

She rubbed her arms nervously.

"The guest room is the room between Luca's room and mine, I have some things that you can wear tonight. You can also take a shower if you will help." She nodded solemnly. She walked up the steps to the bathroom. I changed into my pj's and gathered one of my baggy shirts and cotton shorts that I had. I knocked on the bathroom door when I heard the water turn off.

"I'm leaving the clothes on the bed," She said thank you, I walked to the kitchen brewing some tea, it always helped Luca when he couldn't sleep or just was upset. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, a minute later Heather appeared in the kitchen where she heard me. I looked up from the tea, the t-shirt hung just under her hips and the cotton shorts just below that. It looked strange seeing her in my clothes, it looked sexy as hell and those scenes I've been imagining became so much more vivid.

I'm inappropriate right now, her boyfriend just cheated on her and here I am thinking about her in sensual positions. That escalated quickly, too quickly for my liking. We should stay friends and only that.

"Uhm." She looked at me and her eyes trailed from my long pj pants up to my bare chest that I only noticed now. She turned a little red and I shifted awkwardly.

"Sorry, I'm used to it being only Luca and me. I'm going to grab a shirt, I made sweet tea so..." I rushed to my room grabbing a shirt. I came back seeing her sipping on the tea. I stopped and just stared at her, her eyes were closed as she inhaled the scent of the tea taking a small sip.

I studied her features, green eyes, soft light pink lips, and brown hair. It was an enchanting sight to see. While her eyes were closed I saw a trickle of tears running down her cheek. She opened her eyes staring out in front of her. I moved away from the doorway, she snapped out of her daze and looked at me, pain-stricken green eyes were peering at me.

She gave me a small smile.

"Sorry, I didn't see you,"

"It's okay. I'm going to bed after my sweet tea but if you need anything I'll be there." I returned the small smile. I sat at the table sipping on my tea. Heather went up to the guest room just a few minutes later. I finished the tea, switching off the lights and locking up. I went upstairs. 

I sat on my bed. Well, today was really some day. I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways so I went through my e-mails and started some work that I had to finish. I sat there for a while. The faint sound of heart-wrenching sobs and sniffing echoed dully from the room next door. I placed my laptop on the bed and went knocking on her door. I could bear hearing her cry.

"Heather? If you need anything, or just to talk you can call me over." A few seconds went by and then the door opened. Tears still drying on her cheeks.

"I...I can't sleep, today just keeps repeating itself in my head and it won't stop." She whispered I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her trying to comfort her. She sobbed into my shirt for a few minutes, she pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry, this must look pathetic. I just... I just...he was cheating on me and I didn't notice it. I'm so blind." She tried to stand upright, her knees were shaking.

"I know how you feel, exactly how you feel so I'm here to help you."I pulled her closer again, she snugly fit into my embrace. She pecked me on the cheek.

"Thank you." She bit her lip slightly, in the most unnerving way. I let her go back into her room.

Damn, I think I might be beginning to feel more, no, no it's not supposed to be happening. She's the nanny.

I sat down on my bed, I sat with my head in my hands.

No, No, NO. I need distance from her, she needs the distance. I shouldn't have said that I had feelings for her. But this is like a storm, a hurricane of feelings.

The guy she loved just cheated on her, she needs time and besides that, I couldn't do that to myself again. I had to look after Luca and make sure he is okay. He is my priority. Like I said before, love has been a deadly mistress in the past and to feel these things again is absurd.

I leaned back onto my pillow looking at the ceiling. No, no and no-distance. The more distance the better.

I closed my eyes feeling the weight of the day sink me into a deep sleep.

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