Chapter 27

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I looked into the room, the beige colors soothing but the rest of the room looked fascinating. The bedpost had hoops on each post and above the bed hung a construction. From what I know that is where the submissive like me would be tied up.

The rest of the room looked equally interesting. There was a case with different types of ropes and binding methods.

"Oh my..." I uttered softly, Gabriele rubbed my shoulders.

"So, what do you think?"

"No, Gabriele I'm not okay with that." I pointed to the thing above the bed, hanging me from the roof like I was some rag doll. This was pushing my limits. I didn't want to let him down but I also could not ignore the feeling I had in my gut.

His face faltered and all the evident happiness from his face faded.

"I thought...never mind." He huffed bitterly.

"I'm sorry Gabriele. I know this was your surprise to me and I ruined it." My already iffy mood changed into sadness.

"No darling, I should be sorry that I didn't build up to this, it must be like a bomb shock to you." He saw my expression and wrapped me up in his arms kissing me on the temple solemnly closing the door in front of me. I sighed loudly. I don't deserve him.

"I wonder where Luca is. Stanza just kidnapped him." He half-heartedly smiled walking away; I shrugged and went to find my room. Well, it wasn't exactly designated to me but I just needed a bed now. I couldn't sleep when I splayed myself over the bed; I rolled around and finally rested my head on the pillow, staring up at the high ceilings.

I had an unscratchable itch deep inside me, graduation was in about three weeks and I'd be back by then. I was so excited that after four years I was finally a full-fledged teacher. Maybe it wasn't about me being free from college but rather me being free from Gabriele. I frowned.

I love him so much, but I want to be free from him. This doesn't make sense actually. I knew for a fact that I really loved him, the memories that hung over me and him were just too much for me right now. I never thought I'd end up in a relationship like this. One that was based on love but was feeding on control. I scared myself at how I craved control when he would bind me up, this is what happens when I didn't think about the consequences.

A light knock came from the door, it slowly opened and Luca peeked through.


"Yeah, buddy?"

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine darling. I'm just tired," He crawled onto the bed and lied against me, I pulled him closer and he held onto me, he looked up at me.

"I know you're lying but a hug always helps, it helps me." He remarked happily. If he only knew.

"Thank you." I soon fell asleep and he stayed beside me. I couldn't help but love this little boy even though he isn't mine he crawled into my heart and made a nest there.

When I opened my eyes Luca wasn't there anymore. A blanket was thrown over me and the blinds were closed. 


I groggily made my way downstairs, the television was on and Gabriele and Luca sat on the couch watching soccer. As soon as my feet landed on the bottom steps from the stairs leading down to what I'm thinking is the games room, Gabriele looked up. A big smile revealed itself on his face.

"Oh, you're up."

"Yeah..." I stifled a yawn, the door opened and Stanza was standing there with a big bag of popcorn and a lady by his side. Gabriele's aunt I'm guessing. She instantly saw me and smiled, she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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