Chapter 9

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I was finishing up my hair when Tyler came in.

"Since when can you afford a dress like this?" He's been so grumpy lately. He has been trudging around getting into fights with me for no reason and he's looking for one right now.

"It was a gift from a friend," I said plainly while patting down the flowing purple fabric. I started to do my makeup.

"Friend? Is this friend a man?"

"Yes, but like I said he is just a friend." Tyler looked pissed.

"So he just bought you a dress because..."

"Because he is going with me to the wedding and wanted us to at least match." I lied, I really had no idea why exactly Gabriele bought me a dress. I mean he is my boss but over this past month, he was also a friend to me.

"What? Why didn't you tell me this?" I felt guilty but I didn't want to tell him this because I know how over protective he can get about the slightest thing.

"You said you didn't want to go so he offered. The last thing I want to do was sit at that wedding alone and see my sister and Alex tie the knot."

"You're still hung up on Alex that's why I don't want to go. I don't want to see you look at him sadly knowing I was  the second choice, wasn't I !" He yelled throwing his hands in the air. I knew this was going to happen.

I looked at him shocked in the reflection of the mirror.

"You know what don't even fucking answer that, I know I am, go whore yourself around with another guy." He stormed out of the room. I felt a tear slid down my cheek I rubbed it away before it smeared my makeup. Before I could stop the other tears, they poured down my cheek. The wedding was going to start in an hour and I had to pull myself together.

Pitching up at the wedding with tear stained cheeks would make my sister's day, she'd think she won (which she already has). I had to stay strong, the words Tyler violently screamed at me, whore, he didn't mean it. I'm sure.

I took a shaky breath. Something has been eating at him since he got back home yesterday from his business trip he went on a week ago. I tried to get him to talk to me about it but each time he bites my head off. Today was the first time in our one year relationship that he called me a whore, he has no bloody right to.

I finished dressing, my hair was elegantly pinned up, my silver heels and necklace complimented the dress perfectly. As I stood looking at myself in the full-length mirror I chanted to myself "I can do this, do it for my parents and show Nichola she can have Alex because I don't care."

I heard a knock on the door, it was probably Gabriele. Luca was spending the day at his grandparents so it was just him and me.

Gabriele's mom was something else, every time I saw her she had a mischievous glint in her eye. Gabriele did tell me once when we were talking over a cup of coffee, that his mother likes to set him up on dates with her knitting circle friends' daughters, but he doesn't take her up on the offers. I had an inkling she has something planned. I talked to her once, I hinted that I had a boyfriend but she shook that off. She was probably planning to set us up.

"Come in," I yelled since I couldn't come to the door as I clipped on the bracelet. I heard footsteps and turned around.

There stood Gabriele in a perfectly tailored suit and a purple tie. He was cleanly shaven with his thick dark hair styled back. He looked sexy as hell I had to admit. My heart was rapidly beating and sped up. I couldn't help but study him from head to toe, he looked like Greek god or rather an Italian masterpiece.

His NannyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ