Chapter 18

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After I got home, well fled home I sighed in relieve. I can't believe I had such courage to let him kiss me and touch me. The bounding was also something new but the part about him being in control scared me. I know he'd never ever hurt me but there was still a 'what if' factor in my mind.

I need to talk to him, just talk and get to know him. There was a knock on my door, I took a few deep breaths. Maybe Gabriele wanted to talk to me too. I opened up my door to see Nichola standing there, her always perfect makeup running down her face. Why was she here, but the better question is what was so bad that she came to me?

"Heather, I'm sorry...I" She broke down into sobs, I was in shock for a few seconds that she uttered the word 'sorry' but I let her in.

"Nichola, what's wrong?" I asked softly, I actually still didn't want to talk to her but I was her older sister and I'm not going to be as bitchy as she was towards me.

She let out another sob.

"Tristen asked me if I was pregnant at the wedding. Alex told him it's the truth and that...that it is the only reason why he is marrying me. Mom and dad are so mad at me and Tristen said that I deserved it. Heather, Alex left me and told me he wanted a divorce...we've hardly been married a month. I thought he loved me, he doesn't and he left me..." She sobbed all I could do was sympathetically pat her back and hand her the box of tissues as she continued. Once she's done crying I could talk sense into her, just like I do with the kids I look after.

There was a knock on the door, I groaned and stood up to open it. What now?

Gabriele stood there at my door, my eyes widened and I felt the heat move to my cheeks.

"Gabriele?" I swallowed hard when I saw his face, it was set in stone. A look Luca and he shared, the look of perseverance. I had no idea why he was here. Maybe he wanted to demand an explanation as to why as soon as our session was done I fled because of his certain problem. My simple answer would be because I didn't know what to feel. Things were moving fast and we weren't going to slow down. We could crash and just burn and I had everything to lose.

"Heather, will you be mine?" I think I felt my heart stop. Woah-his? As in his woman? I opened the door wider to show him that this wasn't the best time, with a scheming bitch of a sister behind me this was also going to spread like wildfire. Let's hope she didn't hear that.

"Uhm, can I call you later?" I asked awkwardly. He looked at me and nodded. Before I could say goodbye he wrapped me in his arms and placed a kiss on my forehead so gently. My heart was beating rapidly from all the things going on but as soon as he touched me, I calmed down.

"I'll be back later and good luck." He left and I watched as his tall figure fade into the dark.

I turned around and Nichola didn't even notice I stood up she just kept staring at her phone, her sobbing stopped so it was my turn to actually talk to her.

"What did Alex say to you...exactly?" I asked with a frown.

"He...said it's over and that he didn't want the baby." Those words made me angry as hell, yes I used to love him but she's my little sister and the baby is my niece or nephew to be.

"What? Maybe it's better to get a divorce. You can't stay with someone like that." I commented as I put the kettle on. She looked at me in shock. I wasn't going to lay it on thick, it's time she hears what she should've from the start.

"He didn't want that baby, he isn't going to do what he should by you. He isn't staying. You're lucky he married you because of the baby...if it is his. He left you which means that he stopped caring about you enough to stay. I don't think he loved you but you just had to go and pressure him into a marriage and a've got a screw loose. He wouldn't have left you with a baby if he had no reason to and loved you."

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