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Deku stood on the doorsteps of his home, preparing to speak to his mother. He didn't want to sound too scared, but at the same time didn't want to seem overly calm.

He shook off his nerves and decided to go somewhere in between, giving a hefty knock on the wooden door after making his decision.

Scurrying sounds came from within the house, and Midoriya watched as the door opened-just a crack. An eye peered out from the small opening, but it was all that was visible. However, as soon as it focused on him, he noticed that the pupil became smaller, as if whoever it belonged to was surprised.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open. "Izuku!" the woman inside, his mother, exclaimed. She tightly wrapped her arms around him, and he returned the gesture. For a moment, Deku felt a twinge of guilt in his chest. The feeling didn't last long though, as he quickly pushed it away.

"Hey mom," Deku whispered, barely able to breathe due to the hug.

She realized how hard she was holding him, and quickly let go. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to squeeze you like that." Her face became sullen. "It's just that... I was so worried," she choked, tears rolling down her face.

"It's okay," Midoriya comforted her, "I understand. But don't worry anymore, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Nobody hurt me."

His mother sniffled. "My baby boy... I'm so sorry you had to go through that...," she perked up a bit, "But don't worry, I'll try not to mention it too much. I wouldn't want to upset you."

Deku smiled. A genuine one. But not for the reasons she might've thought.

"It's okay, mom. Would you mind if I just went to sleep? I'm kinda tired after what happened."

"Oh, of course!" she nodded, "Don't worry, you'll wake up to breakfast!"

Rather than responding, Deku simply walked in the house, shutting the door behind him. He quickly waved goodnight to his mother, then made his way to his room-instantly sickened by the decoration. How could I have been so childish?

As he couldn't do much as of then, Deku decided to rearrange his room. He began to take down all of his All Might merchandise, crumpling up posters into the trash, and throwing figurines in a box, hidden away under his bed.

When he finished up, he allowed his eyes to wander around the newly cleaned room. Much better. Now I can actually walk in without feeling the need to barf. He snickered at his thought.

After his mini adventure, Midoriya decided that the best course of action was to sleep, and plan for the days to come. He would definitely need rest for the upcoming summer training camp. He couldn't wait for what was to come-the excitement was practically killing him.


Izuku had easily adjusted back into normal life, and, for the most part, acted like nothing was wrong. Soon enough, he was even getting ready for the training camp, and he was shaking with anticipation.

For a bit, Deku half-listened to what was going on around him. Iida had been yelling about bus etiquette and such, and Aizawa had been explaining a bit of what would be going on. However, he couldn't help but drown most of it out, as he was mainly focused on his own plans.

As the drive went on, people chatted and such, but Deku usually just gave small answers, or simply nodded. That was, until Bakugou blurted something out.

"Deku," he called out Midoriya's name, causing his ears to perk up.

Caught a bit off guard, Deku gave a simple reply. "What?" A little too blunt.

Brainwashed - A Villain Deku Fanfic || REPUBLISHEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora