BONUS - Dying Laughter

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-x- All Might's POV -x-

Panting, I pumped my fist into the air, a trembling smile plastered on my face. After a few moments, however, my eyes widened, darting between the debris. I began to frantically stumble around the debris, scrambling around as I tore away chunks of rock.

My heartbeats were erratic and breaths uneven as I searched for the boy. And, I couldn't help but gasp upon seeing messy, green tufts of hair sticking from under the rock.

"Hey All Might?"

Dashing forwards, I dug my fingers under the rock that lay on top of the boy, attempting to unearth him. My arms shook as I raised the chunk of rock, grunting as I threw it to the side.

"Midoriya, my boy-"

A lump caught in my throat, a dryness spreading like a plague as my saliva dissipated. "No...," my voice cracked as I fell to my knees. "You can't be..."

"I promise..."

My fingertips trembled as I uncurled them, travelling down his cheek and to his neck. I listened for a moment, yet the only thing I felt was my ragged breaths.

Tears began to fall down my cheeks, a sharp pain shooting through my heart. I slowly pulled my arm back, letting it fall to my side.

"I'm going to become the world's greatest hero!"

My limb swayed as I stared at the deceased before me.

His hair brushed gently across his forehead, wavering in the wind. And, his freckles dotted his cheeks, as did blood.

My eyes trailed down his body, and I froze upon seeing a large, crimson stain bleeding through his stomach. Slowly, I extended my fingers once more, fingertips brushing across his cotton shirt as I pulled it upwards.

"Just like you!"

All For One's laughter rang throughout my mind.

I promised I would tear you apart.

That I'd bring an end to the symbol of peace.


honestly this is how it deserved to end for making me cringe so much

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