A Hero's Will

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"BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH!" All For One shouted confidently, doubling, even tripling his force.

I felt as my arm began to collapse under the weight of his own, blood continuously erupting from my wounds.

"When you think you can't go on any more, remember."

"I'll beat you," I whispered, "Not because I'm a symbol, but because I will do as I did my master did for me. Until I've finished training Young Midoriya," my voice rose, "Until he's ready."

"It's embarrassing how much you're resisting," All For One scoffed. "Perhaps I was wrong."


Curling my left fist, I transferred over One For All at the last second, striking All For One's face. The deconstructed scar tissue caved in, penetrating his mask.

I clenched my teeth as my right arm fell to my side, splintered and twisted into an unimaginable shape. The pain was immeasurable, but I finally struck him. That was progress.

Enraged, All For One met my gaze once again. "A clever trick!" he snarkily commented, his other arm inflating in size as it spun. "STILL WEAK, THOUGH!"

My fist clenched, I began to speak, my voice rising with each word. "That's because... I DIDN'T PUT MY BACK INTO IT THAT TIME!"

This power has been passed on from hero to hero, each praying that it will bring joy and peace to humanity. That One For All will give the world hope. My master's smiling face flashed through my mind as One For All's power coursed through my veins, sending shivers down my spine. And now it is your turn. Do your best, Toshinori.

I grasped onto the power, my fingers wrapping around the figurative ball of light as my muscles expanded. Shooting myself forwards, I watched as undisguised fear struck him.

Growling, I struck All For One's face once again, the fire within me growing brighter than ever.

"UNITED... STATES... OF SMASH!" I boomed, propelling him into the ground, as the ground gave way with a satisfying crack.

The air spiraled around us, reaching up to the heavens with its power.

I smiled sadly as I felt One For All's final embers fizzle out into nothingness. Goodbye, One For All.

I hung over the broken man, shaking as I attempted to keep my balance. With my last ounce of strength, I raised my fist to the sky, transforming into my muscle form one last time.


-x- Third Person POV -x-

Silence hung over the air, a thick blanket choking citizens for miles around. Each and every one stared in awe at the defeated villain, All Might standing tall.

"The villain's not moving! All Might stands victorious!" the newscaster cried, echoing screams of support coming from around the city. "He saved us all yet again!"

Hundreds of voices roared and chanted, tears in their eyes. "ALL MIGHT! ALL MIGHT! ALL MIGHT!"

As heroes mumbled about the man, Gran Torino spoke, knowing full well that his power had escaped him. "This is his last job." Your final act as The Symbol of Justice and Peace. And the Number One hero.


-x- All Might's POV -x-

Trudging over to a pile of ash and rubble, I spotted Midoriya, buried beneath the debris. His green tufts of hair hung over his softened eyes, a peaceful expression on his face.

Picking up the boy, I listened close as his breaths wavered, uneven yet still there. "I apologize, Young Midoriya," I whispered softly. "I refuse to allow you to ever go through something so awful again. Now that I'm retiring, that shall be my prime duty." I smiled, "And of course, we shall continue to act as teacher and student. No matter what struggles we may face, I'm sure that we'll help each other find the way."



BAMWHAM (smae tbh)

okay, horrible way to end a story, I know

sorry :>

I realllly hope anyone who has read this has enjoyed the story, and should be happy to know that Young Midoriya is back on track in becoming a pro hero! :D

Peace! [Sign ;)]

(wth LOL)

And as always...

Thanks for reading! <3

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