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-x- Deku's POV -x-

Sat up in bed, I twiddled my thumbs with an occasional glance at the ceiling. Squeezing my eyes shut, I racked my brain for a way to apologize to everyone. That was, if anyone even showed up.

Suddenly, I heard a loud slam, bringing me back to reality. Focusing forwards, I could see the door bouncing slightly off the wall, eventually coming to a standstill. In the doorway stood a few of my classmates, the most prominent being Kirishima.

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Uhm, hey, I-"

Out of nowhere, Kirishima lunged forward, his fist coming dangerously close to my face. Bracing for impact, I shielded myself with my arms, but I felt no contact.

As I brought my arms down, I could see the fury and betrayal in everyone's eyes-especially Kirishima's. His eyes were filled with boiling rage as he eyed me down, sending daggers at me.

"Why'd you do it?" he growled, clearly trying to hold himself back.

Tears began to well up in my eyes. "I... I s-"

"No crying," he barked, "You don't deserve it. We're not putting up with any more of your lies."

Fear began to settle inside of me. I had never seen Kirishima so angry-he had always been calm, nice to everyone.

"Maybe you should calm down a bit Kirishima," Tsuyu suggested.

Without breaking eye contact, he responded. "And why should I? This guy decided that it would be a good idea to betray us."

Tsuyu opened her mouth, but as Iida put a hand on her shoulder, she stayed quiet.

As I focused more on the crowd, I was surprised to see that most of the class showed up. Probably to get some answers, I reasoned, Why would they ever want to check up on me after what I did to them?

With the silence in the room, I allowed my eyes to wander, focusing on different classmates. I saw most of them seemingly angry, but also hurt. Some, on the other hand, just looked down, as if they wanted to say something but couldn't bring themselves to. But what hurt most was when I spotted Uraraka.

Tears began to prick my eyes when I saw her. The usually bubbly personality was dropped, and traded in for a betrayed and hurt one. She connected eyes with me for a moment, only to look quickly away. Sighing, I decided to do the same, and, blinking back tears, my eyes found themselves back onto Kirishima.

I straightened myself up, trying to show respect. "It wasn't me," I said, immediately regretting my decision.

Kirishima threw his hands up, rolling his eyes. "Oh, it wasn't you," he said sarcastically, "Great, thanks for clearing that up."

Wincing, I attempted to clear up what I meant. "No... No, I do feel awful. Please, understand that I hate what I did, but I can promise you that I... I couldn't... I couldn't control it," I finally placed my words.

"What do you mean you couldn't control it?!" he snarled.

I felt myself becoming somewhat angry. Why can't he at least show a bit of patience? Then, I noticed a green glow reflecting itself in front of me. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

My head began to pound as I ground my teeth. "Please, stay away," I struggled, shooting my hand out.

"Midoriya?" Kirishima said my name, his voice having a hint of worry.

Writhing, I pulled the covers over my head until I could calm myself down. It's fine. I'm fine. Don't let it take over. It's not your fault. Kirishima had a right to be angry, I told myself.

I breathed deeply, feeling my anger sizzle away as I did so. As the green light faded, I pushed the covers away, only to meet with a concerned and confused room of students.

Looking away, I attempted to explain myself. "Look," I closed my eyes, deciding to tell them the truth. "I... When I was captured at the mall is when it all started. The villains sat me in a dark room and..." I allowed the painful memories that I had pushed away to consume me. "There was this... Doctor. And he injected me with this kind of drug, and..."

I froze, realizing that I couldn't exactly tell them about all for one. Making up a quick excuse, I continued, stumbling over my words. "I uhm... There was this villain with a weird... Mind-control quirk. And the drug helped to amplify that and so I couldn't control myself and I feel so awful and-"

A chill ran down my spine as I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Kirishima, a softer expression on his face. "Midoriya... If this is true, I'm so sorry for how I treated you," he apologized.

My eyes began to water and I looked down into my lap. "No, I deserved it," I said, "I should've tried harder to stop myself..."

"No, Deku," Uraraka called out, my ears perking up. "It's not your fault-it's those horrible villains'." Her voice dripped with sorrow, and I couldn't help but begin to wonder if she was right.

"She's right," Midoriya," Todoroki added, "If the villains really did do something to you, we can't blame you at all. And you shouldn't blame yourself, either."

Tears dripped down my face, yet I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you," I croaked, once again meeting the eyes of my classmates. "I swear-I'll make it up to you guys any way I can."

Kirishima's face became a bit more serious. "Well, Midoriya," he admitted, "We do have a plan."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I... When we were at the camp, I couldn't do anything." His voice raised as he spoke, becoming more determined. "I stood idly by as I was told my friend was being targeted. If I stand by and do nothing now, how am I supposed to call myself a hero or a man?" He turned to look at me. "He's still within our reach. We can save Bakugou."



Wowie friendship is magic ain't it?

Okay, sorry for the somewhat (VERY) lousy chapter-as I said before, I'm sick and tired and probably dying (nobutpsh). Buuuut I was dumb and was like "hM I haven't posted in like 4 days why not do it again?!"

Anyways, I hope you at least kind of enjoyed this chapter. I actually kinda like how some things turned out (ex: Deku starting to revert but finally stopping it himself, which shows his friends he wasn't lying, blah blah blah)


Welp, thanks for reading! <3

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