A Mistake

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Deku pushed himself out of his bed in the morning, muscles slightly tensed from the previous morning. He had a relatively good sleep, especially due to all of the food he ate the previous night, but he knew that the next day would be torture.

Except he didn't know just how bad it'd be.

Throughout the day, when his trainer wasn't looking, he allowed his eyes to wander around the training camp. He could see people's sunken eyes and tired bodies, almost as if they'd pass out from the extreme pressure.

Unfortunately, Midoriya didn't have many opportunities to look around, as Tiger, another member of the Wild Wild Pussycats introduced along with Ragdoll, was pushing his power to his full extent.

Soon enough, the other group also came in-class 1B. Deku narrowed his eyes at the newcomers, knowing that the plan would be much more difficult with them around. Still, he didn't fret too much-he knew that they'd still get what they needed.

"MOVE!" Tiger yelled, causing Izuku's head to snap up.

"Uh, YES SIR!" he shouted back.

Tiger yelled once again. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR WORDS! MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!"

The training went on similarly for hours, and dinner couldn't have come soon enough.

Everyone was exhausted, including Deku. He could barely keep himself upright, yet he still had to work with the others to make food.

In a bit of a bad mood, he mostly gave grunt-replies whenever someone attempted to talk to him. He could just excuse his behavior later, anyways.

Finally though, dinner was made, and Deku couldn't wait to replenish his strength. Along with everyone else, he felt as if he would pass out.

However, just as he was walking back to his table, a student from 1B bumped into him, causing him to drop his food.

Deku stared down at the fallen dinner, seething.

"I'm so so sorry, dude," the person apologized, "I didn't mean-"

Izuku did everything he could to contain his anger, but it didn't work as well as expected. "DID YOU JUST..." he growled through clenched teeth, attempting to stop himself from blurting something he'd regret.

Eyes were all around him, watching for what he'd do. He couldn't allow his cover to be blown so close to his goal. He calmed himself down a bit. "Forget it," he simply said, an edge to his words.

As he walked over to grab a new plate, he felt eyes practically penetrating his back. With a slight turn of his head, however, they went back to talking. Though, there tension in the air.

Sighing, Deku realized that he shouldn't return to his classmates, and should cool down instead. He quickly scarfed down his plate, when he noticed Kota walking away. Curious, he decided to follow him, making up another plate for him-just in case.

Careful as to not follow too close behind, Deku eventually came close behind Kota to a cliff that overlooked the camp.

He watched as Kota stood there, staring out into the setting sun. For a moment, he let him be, but upon being noticed, began to speak.

"Hey, Kota," Deku greeted him, "I uh, brought you some food. You left so..."

Kota rolled his eyes and snorted, giving Deku a foul taste in his mouth. Brat. Still, he attempted to make conversation.

"I... I had a question," Deku began, "Were... Were you parents the late heroes, Water Hose?"

Deku saw a look of betrayal in Kota's eyes. "Why, did Mandalay tell you?" he scrunched his eyebrows, "Whatever... I don't even understand why people become heroes. All that happens is heroes and villains kill each other. It's stupid."

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