Ready to Go - P1

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The night-chilled air brushed across my cheeks, lifting green curls with the wind. Stuffing my bandaged hands in my pockets, I bit my lip, waiting silently for the others. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying that everything wasn't an elaborate ruse to get back at me. Though it wasn't very plausible, I couldn't shake off the feeling that nobody trusted me.

"Midoriya," someone murmured behind me. With a quick glance, I could trace the voice to Todoroki, who seemed somewhat surprised of my presence.

"Uh, hey guys," I mumbled, waiting for one of them to speak.

Kirishima tossed me an awkward smile. "Hey... Glad you showed." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, staring everywhere but at me. "We're just waiting for Yaoyorozu to show."

I gave him a nod, and within a few moments she came walking out. She met my eyes, a hint of surprise flashing in her eyes. However, she quickly composed herself, yet remained somewhat guarded, uncertain, even. Though, it wasn't entirely clear on whether or not it was because of me.

"So how 'bout it? Did you decide?" Kirishima asked, his arms raising as he spoke.

"I think that-"

An authoritative voice interrupted her. "Hold on."

Looking up, we saw Iida making his way towards his, shoes clacking softly on the pavement as he walked. A bit taken aback, we each let out a small gasp, Kirishima speaking up afterwards.


Remembering his view on the mission, I couldn't help but pipe up. "Why are you here?"

"You...," he said, a hint of disappointment and anger in his voice, "Why did it have to be you two of all people? The ones who stopped me when I acted recklessly. Who received amnesty with me after Hosu." He clenched his fists, his voice raising. "Why are you trying to make the same stupid mistakes I made? Didn't you learn?" He jabbed a finger towards me. "Even you, Midoriya, who I had foolishly believed turned your back on us didn't make such a dire mistake, and was instead the fault of villains? Now," his voice shook a bit, "Now you decide to do something so rash?"

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima asked, stepping forwards. However, Todoroki was quick to nudge him backwards, stopping him from continuing.

Iida stared down, unable to make eye contact. "We're still just students. And U.A.'s in a bad position as it is. Anything we do will reflect on our school. Don't you get that?!"

"Iida," I addressed him softly, "We have to. I know you don't like us breaking rules but-"

Without a moment's notice, a mild pain jolted through my cheek-a result of a swift slap from Iida.

"I'm frustrated too! And concerned, obviously! I'm the class rep. I'm worried about all my classmates! Not just Bakugou." His voice shook, a mixture of emotions clearly interacting inside him. "When I saw your injuries, all I could think of was my brother in the hospital. What if your bodies end up irreparable just like his? Because I didn't step in. Have you not stopped to think about where I'm coming from?!" He shouted, grasping my shoulders as he shook me lightly. "Or are you saying... That you don't care how I feel?"

Through gritted teeth, I acknowledged him. "Of course I do."

"Iida," Todoroki piped up, speaking softly as to not upset him, "You've got it wrong. We don't expect to face them head on and win." Iida glanced up at Todoroki, his attention caught. "We'll get him back without fighting."

"Yeah, we'll be stealthy," Kirishima agreed, though he seemed a bit nervous. "I'm talking covert ops here. We can rescue him without breaking the rules."

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