Chapter 1

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Evelyn's POV

I woke up to the sound of the soft giggles of my one year old daughter, Lily. My eyes fluttered open, and a soft smile made it's way to my face as I looked into the face of my angel.

Lily looks almost exactly like me. We both have the blonde hair that's dark at the roots, and the the same sparkly green eyes. The only difference is her complexion, which is more like a warm beige than my pale beige complexion. her eyes have flecks of blue glitter, which she gets from her father. 

"Mama, wakie, wakie!" Lily said, her voice soft.

I smiled, "Good morning, Sweetie. Ready to eat?"

She squealed and I laughed, lifting her into my arms and spinning her around. I kissed her forehead, and rubbed my nose against hers.

"Mama's going to go take a shower. Can you be a good girl and watch TV until then?" I asked.

Lily nodded eagerly, so I took her to the living room, and put her down on the couch. I turned on the TV and put on an episode of Sponge Bob. I walked back to my room and quickly took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. After a ten minute shower, I walked over to my closet.

I threw on a white dress with light blue flower on it. I dried and combed my hair that traveled to my mid back and braided part of it before pinning it back. I put on a pair of pretty brown sandals, then rushed back to my daughter. I quickly got her ready, making her put on a small pink dress. I combed her wavy blonde hair that traveled to her shoulders, and then lifted her into my arms, just as I heard the living room door open.

"Thalia? Is that you?" I asked.

I walked to the living room, and found my best friend, Thalia standing there. Her warm brown eyes glimmered slightly, and her long black hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She looked really tense, but when she saw Lily, a smile appeared on her face.

"Aunty!" Lily squealed.

Thalia grinned and took Lily from my arms as I made my way to the kitchen to make us all breakfast.

"I have some bad news," Thalia said, following me as I pulled out leftover pancake batter from the fridge.

"What is it?" I asked.

"They need to you back in the city, Eve. They need to you to support the company," Thalia said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Your parents," Thalia said.

I frowned, "Why didn't they call me like they always do?"

"They thought you would react better if I was the one telling you," Thalia said.

"All what do I have to do? Go on a quick visit?" I asked.

"No. You need to move back there. Actually, correction, you are moving back there. The moving trucks are coming in an hour to pick up your stuff, and your moving back into your house there."

I gaped at her, "They can't do that! This is my life!"

Thalia tilted her head and gave me a sad smile, "You're the heiress to the second biggest company, Evelyn. You can't hide from your past forever."

I bit my lip, "I know. I just...thought that I would have a longer time before I had to go back and face everything."

"It'll be alright. I'm moving back with you, and if that piece of shit tries to get near you, I'll beat the crap out of him," Thalia promised, her eyes gleaming.

"Thalia!" I gasped, half laughing. "Don't swear in front of Lily."

An hour later, Thalia had helped me pack all of my stuff and Lily's stuff. We'd put everything in boxes, then waited for all the trucks to get loaded up, locked the door, and then started the car ride back home.

I looked out the window, noticing some of the places I used to go often as we got closer to my house. I sucked in a sharp breath when we passed my ex-husband, Damien's house. I looked away, closing my eyes for a second.

I hadn't come back here since I had gotten divorced. My parents would occasionally come visit me, and would call me every other day, making sure I was okay, and talking to Lily, but they didn't tell Damien where I lived. Since Damien and his father had formed an alliance between of companies when we got married, they still occasionally had to meet, which meant that I would probably have to face Damien as well.

"We're here!" Thalia sang.

I grinned at the familiar big house in front of us. My parent's house. I stepped out of the car, then opened the back door of the car, and unbuckled Lily, who was sleeping in her car seat. Lily was awake almost instantly, her eyes wide as she took in the house in front of us.

I lifted her up, cradling her in my arms. As we walked up to the house, the front door opened, revealing my parents.

"Grama! Papa!" Lily squealed.

We found it hilarious that Lily called her grandfather, papa, since that meant dad, but she seemed to like the word, so we let her. She couldn't say the word grandma, because she was only one year old, so she kept calling my mom, grama.

"How's my little lily?" My dad asked, taking her from my arms and spinning her around.

Mom gave me a hugged, squeezing me tightly, then switched with dad.

"I missed you too," I murmured.

"We're glad to have you back, honey," Dad said, smiling at me.

"It's good to be back," I said, surprising myself when I realized that it was true.

"Your room is the same. We haven't changed it. Everything is exactly where it was, except for all the stuff you took with you. The only change is that we connected the room next to yours, so that it can be a room for Lily. You can put all her stuff there, and she can sleep in your room," Mom explained.

We all stepped inside, and I smiled when I noticed that everything was the same as always. Even though we were billionaires, and had a really big house, our family was almost as normal as any other.

"I should go put Lily to sleep. She gets tired after sitting in the car for long drives," I said when Lily yawned.

I lifted Lily into my arms, and walked up the clean crystal staircase. I got to my room on the second floor, and for that my room had really not changed. Everything was the same, from the glass of water on my desk to the books on my bookshelf.

I put Lily down on the bed, running my slender fingers through her hair until she fell asleep. I leaned down and kissed her forehead, before walking back downstairs.

Mom, Dad and Thalia were sitting on the couch, talking about something.

"So what help did you need with the company?" I asked as I sat down next to Thalia.

"Not exactly help. We just need you here, because soon, you'll have to take over the company, since your not married anymore. You've always been good with convincing others, making allies, and pressing hard bargains, and I want to make sure you still are. There's an important meeting in two days, and I want you to come. There's going to be about five of the companies there, and we're coming together to talk about one of us betraying our alliance, by giving off information to the opposite company about our dealings," Dad explained.

I smiled slyly, "Is this your way of asking me, because you know that you will mess it up and I won't."

Dad barked out a laugh, "We'll see if your skills are as polished as I remember them, and if they are, then maybe I'll agree to that."

I grinned at that, but then went back to the matter at hand, "Which companies?"

Mom handed me a glass of water.

"Trix from Delafare ; Leo from Yansin ; Bree from Languin ; and Luis and his father, Carlos from Lanton," Dad said, naming the person and then which company they owned.

I was delighted when I heard that Bree was coming.

"Bree! Oh, she's always so fun!" I laughed.

Dad nodded with a grin.

Suddenly, I frowned, "That's only four companies. Who's the fifth?"

Dad hesitated before saying softly, "Damien from Bedalla."

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