Chapter 17

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The sun is setting when both our dad's come back. They let us know that they're back and that we're going somewhere in an hour, so we should get ready. Apparently, we're going to a bar.  And dad gave me a dress and told me to wear it. It's...revealing. I don't know why yet, but I plan on asking him.

 I don't know why yet, but I plan on asking him

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(Her complete look. Comment to the right on your opinion of this dress.)

Damien takes one look at me and shakes his head, telling me I can't wear it. But I tell him he has no right to tell me what to wear and what not to wear. If I'm being separated from Lily for two weeks, I might as well take advantage of it and let that fire I keep locked up back out.

Damien's wearing what he almost always wears. A suit. It's so rare to see him without a suit. Even when he's going to a coffee shop, he wears a suit. With some coaxing, I manage to get him to lose the tie so that it doesn't seem too formal.

"Why are we going to a bar anyway?" I ask.

We all get into the car before my dad answers. Damien's dad is driving the car, and Damien and I are sitting in the back seats while my dad sits in the seat next to Damien's dad.

"We think Trix is there. All we need is a confession and we're good," Dad says.

I let that sink in, and then huff, "We don't need a confession from him. We can handle the meeting tomorrow without all of that."

"We met up with the other companies today. They want solid evidence. As in Trix's confession on a recording. The good thing is that I saw that coming so we know where he is," Damien's dad says.

I cross my arms, "And how do you plan to get the confession? He's not just gonna say it!"

"That's where you come need to seduce Trix into confessing," Damien's dad says.

I choke.

Damien speaks up for the first time since we got into the car, "Absolutely not!"

James shoots Damien a glare, "It's not your place to disagree."

Damien gapes at his father, a look of horror on his face.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask in between coughs.

"You need to seduce him into a confession," Dad says again.

"Are you even my father?" I ask, horrified.

"Eve, please?" Dad begs.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I literally ruined his life a few weeks ago! You think he's going to let me seduce him?" I ask.

"He will," James says.

"And if you get his confession and we finally tell the companies and they believe us...we can catch Trix and Lily's life won't be in danger," Dad says.

He's manipulating me, and I know it, but...

"Fine," I say finally.

I know this chapter was really small, I've just been busy lately. I probably won't post another chapter this week since it's Thanksgiving break. Comment down below on how you think the next chapter will be. Have a good Thanksgiving!

See ya!

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