Chapter 4

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My heart beat was thundering wildly in my chest as he looked at the little girl squirming in my arms. His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared in anger.

Thalia, who was looking at her phone, finally seemed to realize that she we weren't walking and looked up, noticing Damien for the first time. Thalia's lips peeled back as she bared her teeth and snarled at him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Thalia snarled.

He didn't answer, staring at Lily in anger.

"Mama!" Lily wailed.

It was her bedtime and if I didn't get her home soon then her screaming would drive everyone away. Thalia took the bags from my hand, still glaring at Damien as I wiped off Lily's tears and patted her head while she leaned her head against my shoulder.

I stared at Damien, daring him to say anything, when he didn't, I walked around him, towards the door, Thalia following close on my heels after growling at Damien one last time.

When we got to the car, I buckled Lily into her seat quickly, and then we were off, driving back to the house. The air was tense and neither Thalia nor I said a word.

The only thing we both knew was that this was really bad.

Damien's POV

Who's child was it?

Even after Evelyn had left, that was the only thought running through my mind. Evelyn and the girl look almost identical, but I'm not a fool. Their skin color was different and the girl's eyes had a sparkle of blue in them. Evelyn's daughter looked almost a year old, and that meant Eve had to have been cheating on me. 

All this time, and I wasn't the only one who had cheated. I had thought it was my worst mistake to cheat on her, but now I realize that it saved me the heartache. The girl was born to some bastard who had cheated with Evelyn. 

Just minutes ago, hearing Evelyn sing made me think about how she must had hurt after I'd cheated on her, but now, disgust filled me. I was going to go and apologize and beg until she came back to me, but now I wanted nothing to do with her.

She can go to hell for all I care.

Evelyn's POV

I sat in my bed a week later, thinking about the anger I'd seen in Damien's eyes. What was he angry about? Maybe he hadn't figured out that he was the father. But there's no way he wouldn't have. He would have pieced together how old she looked and the fact that we were married at the time I was pregnant.

How could I ever face him again.

"Eve! Come down, sweetie!" Mom called from downstairs.

I checked on lily, making sure she hadn't woken up by the noise then went down to meet my mom.

"Yes?" I asked absent-mindedly.

"We have a family coming over for dinner tonight. Please get ready, darling." Mom said.

"Does Lily need to come? I just put her down to sleep and she already ate a little. She seemed really tired and I think she's coming down with a cold. I want her to rest," I explained.

"Oh, yes. That would be good," Mom said softly.

I smiled at her and nodded.

When I got back upstairs, I changed into something a little more elaborate than I normally would wear.

When I got back upstairs, I changed into something a little more elaborate than I normally would wear

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