Chapter 9

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"Lucas. Joey. Why don't you go upstairs? Take Lily with you. Get to know her," I say, turning my attention to the boys as I lift Lily off the counter.

The boys look confused as well, and it's obvious they thought that I cheated as well, but they do as I say when the notice the cold look that promised violence in Damien's eyes.

I handed Lily over to them, who looked at them with curiosity, and they rushed upstairs, not wanting to be caught in the middle of our fight.

"She knew you were cheating?" Damien asks.

I cross my arms, forcing my expression into cool indifference, "So what if she did?"

It wasn't an answer, but Damien didn't seem to notice that, and deemed it as a "yes".

He scowled at me, "She knew all this time and didn't tell me?"

I finally threw my hands up in the air, unable to deal with his accusations, "Grow up, Damien! Ever think that I might've not cheated on you, Asshole?"

"Don't play dumb, Evelyn. She's a year old, which, if you add the months of pregnancy, means that you had to be pregnant before we got divorced. Which means that you. Cheated. On. Me," Damien growled.

How much trouble would I be in, if I clawed off that pretty face of his?

"I thought we agreed to forget about the past?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"That was before Mrs. C reminded me that you cheated!" Damien snarled.

"Fuck you, Damien! Ever occur to you that she might be your daughter?! No, of course not! Because you're a frickin Asshole!" I growl.

As soon as the words are out, I clamp a hand over my mouth, which certainly does not  help prove that I'm lying. It pretty much declares that I just told him the truth but didn't mean to. Damien's eyes are wide, jaw dropped.

I let out a string of curses under my breath that I never would've said when I was married to Damien, but I had spent way too much time with Thalia.

"She's...I'm...We're...We have...She's my daughter?" Damien stuttered.

"Maybe?" I asked more than said with a wince.

His expression went from shocked to confused to angry within seconds.

"You didn't think to tell me?" He hissed.

"You kicked me out!" I growled.

"I didn't know you were pregnant!" He yelled angrily.

I snorted, "So just because I was pregnant, you would've let me stay? I wouldn't have stayed even if you had wanted me to, because apparently, you didn't love me," I said bitterly.

Damien ran his hands through his hair, looking frustrated.

I took a step closer, and said in a cold voice, "And don't you dare come near my daughter. Lily is my daughter. She doesn't have a father, and she never will. The only thing you did was get me pregnant. You are out of her life. If you know what's best for you, then you'll be a friend of hers instead of her father."

"Like hell I will," He growled.

"If you try to do anything else, then we can take this to the court room, and I can call out every single thing that I've suffered through while you bedded whoever you wanted," I hissed.

I stormed upstairs before he could argue back. Lucas and Joey were in my room, wide eyed, and they'd obviously heard every word of what had happened downstairs. I took Lily out of Joey's arms, pointing to the door wordlessly. They wisely didn't say anything as they left. I slammed the door shut, and curled up on my bed with Lily, and a little while later, we both fell asleep. 

I woke up later that day hearing loud giggling coming from downstairs. I knew it was Lily, and was out the door in a second. I walked down the stairs, freezing in the entry way when I saw Damien on the couch with Lily, tickling her as she let out shrieks of laughter.

I relaxed just slightly, as I watched them with a small smile I couldn't keep off my face. Damien finally noticed me, paused for a second then inclined his head in greeting.

I nod back, cautiously. My phone rings, and I look over at the kitchen counter and realize that I must have left it here when I was getting something for Lily to eat.

I pick up the call from Thalia.

"Hey bestie!" I hear Thalia's cheerful voice call.

"Hey Thalia," I say softly so Damien can't hear.

"How's the first day at Damien's house going?" She asks, her voice concerned.

I venture deeper into the kitchen so Damien can't hear as I say, "I accidentally told him that he's the father."

Shocked silence on the other end. Then, "What?!"

"I can't explain right now," I say.

"Starbucks. Come to starbucks, now." Thalia says.

I almost laugh but quickly agree.

I go closer to the kitchen where Damien's back to tickling Lily.

"I'm going to meet Thalia," I say, making my way over to Lily to lift her up.

"How about Lily stays with me?" Damien asks, stopping me.

I hesitate, "I don't know..."

"Come on. Have a little bit of time alone with your best friend," Damien says.

But do I really want him to be alone with his daughter?

"No, that's alright. I'll take her with me. Lily and Thalia love each other anyway," I say slowly, picking her up.

There's a flicker of hurt in Damien's eyes, but he masters it quickly and nods.

I give him a small forced smile and then wave goodbye and make my way over to the door.

I buckle Lily into her seat in the back of my car which was probably brought to Damien's house by the moving trucks.

And then, we're off to Starbucks.

Hey guys! I have now gotten 1000 views to this story, and I'm so happy! Thank you all! I really hope you'll continue reading, and comment every once in a while! I'll update soon!

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