Chapter 22

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"Nope, nope, nope. We are soooooo not doing this," I say, struggling to breathe with the little space I have. 

Damien's eyebrows furrow, "Doing what?"

"The whole movie thing where you block me against a wall and then kiss me and I decide to forget the past so we can have an amazing future. Face it, I'm never going to forget that you cheated on me, and even if I told you otherwise, I was lying."

I wag my finger at him as I talk.

"So...if I do kiss you, you won't be shaken up at all?" Damien asks.

"NOPE." I say far too loudly and quickly.

"Wanna try?" Damien asks, smirking at my very obvious discomfort.

"What?! No!" I say, leaning as far back against the wall as I can, while planting my hands on Damien's very much naked chest to keep him from leaning any closer.

He's only wearing a pair of gray sweats.

"Why not? If you have no problem, then it should be fine," Damien says, his tone teasing.

I swallow hard, "I don't feel like kissing anyone."

Damien gaze shifts, and another emotion I can't quite put my finger of fills his eyes, "You didn't seem to mind when Trix was kissing you."

I blink slowly.

Was that...jealousy?

I can't keep back my smile, "Are you jealous?"

"What? No! Stop changing the topic," Damien says, rolling his eyes,

"Oh my god. You're actually jealous of your ex-wife," I say, laughing.

Damien scoffs, "If anything, you should be the one jealous of me."

I laugh, "Now you're just being ridiculous."

"Tell me you haven't seen all the news of sightings of me with other women since you left," Damien says with a smug smirk.

My whole body locks up.

"You really are an asshole."

I turn around and leave, fuming.

I got straight to the dads' hotel room and James smiles when he sees me.

"Eve! Perfect, your Dad and I were just...What did Damien do?" James asks, the smile dropping off his face as he notices the look on mine.

"We're switching rooms. I don't fucking care who stays with who as long as it's not Damien and me in the same room."

"Evelyn, language!" Dad says, pursing his lips as he comes out from the bedroom.

"No! I'm not a sweet, little, naive girl! I never have been. I never will be. And if Damien keeps thinking that he can trick me into falling in love with him again, then he's an imbecile."

"Sweetie...did you ever even fall out of love with him?" Dad asks.

I pause.

"I don't want to stay in the same room as him. And no offense, James, but I don't even want to see your son's face again. I'm only here for Lily. So if you two thought that things would end any differently, you're wrong," I say.

About thirty minutes of arguing later, I leave there room, having been convinced to stay with Damien in the same room until our assignment here is over.

Hey guys! This chapter was a little longer than the last one, so I hope you're all happy. Please comment and vote on my story, it's always fun to read the comments, and it's something I look forward to.

The one thing I don't want to see is hate comments. If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it, because as the author, it hurts me. 

I'll update soon!

~ Adelaide

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