Chapter 25

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Damien come quickly. Probably in under five minutes. But it feels like eternity.

As soon as he gets there, I open the door and slide into the front seat.

Damien shouts questions at me as he drives, but I don't answer, focusing on calling dad.

I spent the time that Damien took coming here, calling Thalia over and over again, hoping she'll pick up.

She didn't.

"Dad?" I ask when he picks up, my voice trembling.

"What's wrong?" He asks immediately

"Lily's been kidnapped. There's a dead girl's body in my hotel room. Take care of it. Damien and I are heading back to his house because Thalia isn't picking up her phone," I say.

"Damien's house? That's four hours away!" Dad says.

"What else am I supposed to do?!" I ask.

"Come back here. We'll figure this out together," Dad says.

"No! We're going to Damien's house. Meet us there as soon as you take care of the girl's body," I say.

I have been pushed and shoved around since I came back to this life. No more. My daughter matters to me more than anything and I will not sit calmly and try to be reasonable when she's been kidnapped.

Dad starts to protest on the other end of the call, but I cut him off, "Just do as I say!"

A second of silence.

Then, "Alright. We'll meet you at Damien's house. Don't panic, Eve. She'll be fine."

My bottom lip wavers and I push back tears as I cut the call without replying.

"What. Happened," Damien demands.

"Didn't you hear what I told my dad?" I ask irritably.

"You didn't explain anything!" He says.

"Well forgive me then," I say, glaring at him.

"What happened?!" He asks, his voice lined with anger and frustration now.

"JUST DRIVE!" I yell.

He doesn't deserve to know anyway. When has he every been there for Lily. He can't just waltz into her life and pretend to care and suddenly hope that it erases the past.

Damien doesn't talk after that.

I tap my foot against the car floor, calling Thalia and the moms over and over again, hoping they'll pick up.

An hour passes, and then I get a call from Dad.

"We took care of the girl, and we're starting to drive back to Damien's house," Dad says.

"Thank you," I say quietly.

"Any word yet?" Dad asks.

"No," I say, tears brimming my vision.

"It's okay. She'll be fine," Dad promises.

I sniffle softly, shutting my eyes tightly.

"I'm going to call you back later. I want to try calling Mom to see if she'll pick up," I say.

After a moment, Dad says, "Okay. Call me if you hear anything from them. I'll try calling them as well."

"It'll be fine sweetie!" I hear James call.

"Okay. Bye," I say.

After the call ends, I turn try calling Mom.

She doesn't pick up.

"I need to stop for gas," Damien says, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.

"Yeah. Sure. Okay," I say absently.

We stop the car momentarily, and then we're back on the road.

By the time two hours pass, I've given up on calling.

I stare out the window, feeling numb.

Lily. My baby girl.

They took her.

I suck in a harsh breath.

Every single time I blink, I can remember the young girl's broken body in my hotel room.

That could've been Lily.


No, think positive, I think to myself.

Nothing will happen to Lily.

She'll be fine.

She has to be fine.

Hey Guys! Since the last chapter was short, I made another one. Hope you guys like how the story's going so far! How do you think Lily is? And who do you think took her? Do you think Trix is involved somehow? Let me know! I love reading comments, so please comment down below. Thank you!

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