Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

He turns away and grins. "Problem solved!" He said, grinning at me. "Aang... I don't think it works that way" I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. I open my mouth to say something. When suddenly a figure appear. I turn my head to see a huge monster like creature. In an instant I know who that is. It's Hei Bai... The Black and White Spirit.

-The Spirit World-


Aang stares at the spirit in shock. "See? Told you it didn't work that way?" I said. "Then what are we suppose to do?!" He said, turning to look at me. I turn to the spirit as it seem to teleport around and starts destroying things.

"Uhh... talk to it?" I said. He gives me a straight face at what I just suggested. "What? You have a better idea?" I asked. "Well... you're the one that said it's not going to work earlier..." he said. "I meant about asking him to go away!!" I said. "Oh..." he said. I just huffed and rolls my eyes, while crossing my arms across my chest.

"Why are we just standing here? Come on! We have a spirit to talk to!" I said, grabbing his wrist. I pull him with me to chase after the spirit. "Woah!!" He yelped, stumbling a little.

"Uhh... Hei Bai?" I called out for the spirit. He ignore me and continue to destroy a building. Aang chases after him too, trying to get his attention. But he just ignore him as well.

Aang jumps on top of a building. "I'm the Avatar! I command you to look at me!" He yelled at the spirit. "Aang... you dummy..." I said. Hei Bai turns to him and swings his hand at him.

"Aang! Y/N!" Someone yelled. I turn my head to see Sokka. My eyes widened at seeing him. "Sokka? Just what do you think you're doing out here?! Go back in there!" I said, pointing towards the building he just came from.

"We're in this together. I'm going to help the two of you" he said, placing his hands on Aang's shoulder as he smiles at me. "But it's too dangerous for you, Sokka" I said. "I can take care of myself. Besides... what can a spirit do to me?" He said, smugly. I open my mouth, wanting to scold him for underestimating a spirit.

Suddenly, Hei Bai appears out of no where and grab Sokka. He starts screaming. "Sokka!" I yelled. I open my glider and starts flying. "Y/N! Wait for me!" Aang yelled out behind me.

It's a struggle to chase after Hei Bai. He's running in the forest. The tree makes it hard for us to fly lower. But I have to save him. I refuse to lose anyone else. I lower myself down and outstretch my hands, trying to take Sokka's hand. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Aang holding onto Hei Bai's tail.

I urge the wind to help me fly faster. I was about to hold Sokka's hand when he suddenly disappeared. I crash landed on the floor and everything turns black.


I gasp awake and looks around. "Aang!" I yelled. I run towards him and kneels down next to him. He stirs a little and opens his eyes. He sits up and look around.

"We failed... we didn't manage to save Sokka" I said. He looks down with a sad look on his face. I bit my lips and looks down, tears streaming down both of my cheeks.

"Come on, Y/N... let's head back to the village..." he said. I nod my head and grab my glider. We decide to just walk back to the village, having no energy left to fly.

After a while of walking, we can see the village. I can see Katara waiting by the gate. I see Kay-fon walking towards her. "The sun is starting to rise... you need to get some rest..." he said. Katara just looks down with a sad expression.

"Katara... I'm sorry I didn't manage to save him..." Aang said. But Katara didn't say anything back as she keeps her eyes down. "Come on... get some rest, Katara... I'm sure they'll come back..." Kay-fon said again.

"What? But Katara... we're here!" I said. I try to wave my hand in front of their faces. But I notice my hand is a bit translucent. I turn to the sunlight and gasp in shock. I turn to look at Aang who seems to realize he is too.

"We're in the Spirit World..." he said. "Yeah... how do we get out of here?" I said. He glance behind me. "Is that Sokka?" He said. I turn around to look at what he's looking at. I notice something moving towards us. As it gets closer, I realize it's not Sokka.

"It's not Sokka! Aang! Let's get out of here!!" I said. I open my glider and try to fly away. But before I could get any further, I fall back down with a thump. "That hurts..." I said, rubbing my cheek as I fall face first.

I turn my head to see Aang trying to use his bending, but it didn't work. I try too and nothing happened. I gasp as realization hits us. "We can't air-bend in the Spirit World..." I said. He just looks shock.

I turn my head to look at the creature, to see it's a dragon. The dragon lands in front of us. I back away in fear. I'm already in the Spirit World. Can we die here?

"You don't happen to know where Sokka is do you?" Aang asked. The dragon lowers his head and touch our foreheads with his whiskers. I can see a flashing image of him flying with someone on top of him.

"You're Avatar Roku's animal guide! Just like b/n was for me..." I said. I feel my heart ache a little at the thought of my decease bison. "Just like Appa is to me..." Aang said. The dragon's whiskers touches our forehead again. I can see a comet.

"Is that what he wants to talk to us about?" I asked. He groan in reply. But I know he meant yes. "Do you know where Avatar Roku is?" Aang asked. He nods his head. "Take us to him?" I said. He slowly lowers his head. Aang and I get on his back. I turn to look at Katara who's petting Appa. Then we fly away.


The dragon takes us to an crescent shaped island. He takes us inside the tower and starts flying up. "Hey!! What are you doing?!" I yelled. He ignores me and keeps flying. I cover my eyes and scream in terror. But nothing happened.

I open my eyes and realize we're in a room. I can see a statue of Avatar Roku. "This is just a statue? How are we going to talk to him?" Aang said. He lowers his head and his whiskers touches our foreheads. I can see something.

I look down and notice something written under my feet. I turn my head to see the light. "I think this is a calendar, Aang..." I said. He nods his head. "When can we speak with him?" Aang said, turning to the dragon. He gives us the answer with his whiskers touching our foreheads once again.

I can see the sun rises and falls rapidly. The light I saw in the room starts moving closer and closer until it hit's Avatar Roku's statue, only then we'd be able to talk to him. Which means we have to wait for the Winter Solstice.

*to be continued*

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα