Chapter 34

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Previously on Chapter 33

"Okay! Okay! We get it!" I said, feeling annoyed by these two's arguments. "Now we need your help. I need everyone together at the base of the canyon wall" Aang said. Aang take his glider and flies away. I turn to my friends and smiles softly at them. "Good luck you two..." I said. I open my glider and follows Aang.

-Lucky or Lying-


We waited for a while for the two tribes to catch up with us. "Now what are we going to do after this?" I said. "I don't know... we'll just wait and see" he said. I let out a hum in agreement.

Soon enough the two tribes comes into view. I notice how the tribes leaders glance at each other with full hatred. This is not going to be easy. Not as long as they won't work together.

"Please everyone, as soon as we get out of here we can eat and then go on our separate ways..." I said. "But we need you all to put your heads together and figure out a way up this cliff" Aang said.

"Maybe the Zhang can climb the wall with their disgusting finger nails" Gan Jin leader said, staring at the Zhang leader. "Oh sorry, I forgot that to the Gan Jin unclipped fingernails is a crime punishable by twenty years in jail!" Zhang leader said. "Why, you dirty thief!" Gan Jin leader said. "You pompous fools!" Zhang said. The two tribes begin to shout insult at one another. Oh Spirits... here we go again.

"Guys! Focus!! How many time do we have to say it? Harsh words won't solve problems. Actions will..." I hear Aang said. I turn to look at him in disbelief. He notices the look on my face and turns to look at me. "What?" He said. I let out a sigh and face-palm. "It's not gonna end well..." I muttered in a low voice. But Aang still hears me, and looks at me in confusion.

"Perhaps the boy avatar is right" Zhang leader said. Aang grins happily and turns to look at me. I roll my eyes at him.

"Action will!" Gan Jin leader said. They draw their swords, making Aang yells in surprise. They lunges forward and clings their sword. "To the death! And let this be the end of this rivalry!" Gan Jin leader said.

"I told you so..." I said, turning to look at Aang who visibly panicked. "What was I suppose to do?!" He said, waving his hands frantically. I push him to the tribes. "Do something! You started this!!" I said.

"You know... I take it back. Harsh words aren't so bad" he said. "Aang, seriously?" I said. "What??" He said, turning to me with a pale face. The two tribes just ignores him. They continue to fight one another.

I use my air-bending and split them into halves. This makes them get blown away. I breathe heavily as I turn to look at them. I gasps in shock when I see it. They all brought food with them!! I can't believe this.

"Is that... food?" Aang said, disbelief. "Everyone smuggled food down here?!" I said, angrily. They look away from us. "Unbelievable! You guys put our lives in danger because you couldn't go without a snack for a day?! You're all awful!!" Aang yelled at them. He turns his head and his eyes grew wide. I raise my eyebrow at him and turns where he's looking at.

"So... hungry. Is that an egg custard in that tart?" He said. I let out a huffed at him. I notice movements out of the corner of my eyes and turn my head. My eyes widened when I see crawlers... and lots of them.

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora