Chapter 48

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Previously on Chapter 47

I turn to Aang and smile happily. He smiles back at me. "We did it, Aang! We save the village!!" I said, throwing my arms around his neck. "Yes, sis... we did it..." he said, wrapping his arms around me.

-Bato Of The Water Tribe-


"By the way... we... kind of borrowed your book..." I said, handing the cloud reading book to her. "So you messed with the cloud, did you?" She said, angrily as she snatch her book from me. I look down and gulp nervously.

Sokka points at Katara, to let her know that she is also involved. I nudge his rib, making him flinch at this. Katara just looks down in guilt.

"Very clever!" Aunt Wu said, laughing. "No offense! But I hope this taught everyone a lesson about not relying too much on fortune telling" Sokka said. "But Aunt Wu predicted the village wouldn't be destroyed and it wasn't. She was right, after all" the calm man said.

Sokka stands in front of him with annoyed face. "I hate you!" He hissed, angrily. I let out a laugh and gently place my hand on his shoulder. "Okay Sokka. Calm down" I said. He huffed and glare at the man. I pat his shoulder, making him calm down.

I walk towards Aang and stand next to him. He turns to Aunt Wu. "Can I ask you something?" He said to Aunt Wu. "Of course, honey..." she said, smiling at him. "You didn't really see love in my fortune, did you? You just told me what I wanted to hear..." he said, sounding disappointed.

"I'll tell you a secret, young Airbender. Just as you reshaped those clouds. You have the power to shape your own destiny" she said. He smiles softly at what she said. I pat his shoulder softly. I turn around and jump on Appa's saddle. Aang doing the same, but on his head.

"Goodbye, everyone! It was nice to meet you" I said. "Take care, Meng..." Aang said, smiling while waving at the girl. She wave back at him. "Take care..." she said, smiling.


We reach our next pit stop. Before settling down, we decide to scout our surrounding. Just to be sure we'll be safe here, without Fire Nation around us.

"Hey, look! A sword made out of a whale's tooth!" I hear my brother said. I turn my head to look at him, to see him holding a weapon. Sokka slides down the slope and walks over to him.

"Let me see that!" He said, snatching the weapon from Aang's hand. He walks forward, but not too far from where Aang is standing. "This is a Water Tribe weapon. See if you can find anything else!" He said. We quickly take a look around.

"Did someone lose something?" Katara said, as she walks towards us with a confused expression. "No... we found something!" I said. I turn to look at Sokka to see him examining on some debris.

He runs his hand across the surface. "It's burned..." he said. He starts to look around. He looks at a lot of marks around. "There was a battle... Water Tribe warriors ambushed a group of fire-benders. The fire-benders fought back. But the warriors drove them down the hill" he said. He runs down the hill. The rest of us chases after him. He stops by the ocean-side.

"So... then what happened?" Aang said, looking at Sokka who looks disappointed. "I don't know... the trail ends here..." he said. "Wait, look!" Katara said. We turn our heads to look at where she's pointing. We rushes forward and stop when we stand near it. A ship.

"Is this dad's boat?" Katara said. "No... but it's from his fleet" Sokka said, while stroking the boat with a longing look on his face. "Dad was here..." he said, again while turning to look at Katara.


We decided to set a camp by the boat. Aang is laying on Appa's right paw, with Momo next to him. While I lay on his left with l/n. She lay on my stomach as I gently caress his fur.

I lay there, staring at the starry sky for a bit. The sky is beautiful... the twinkling sky decorating the night sky never cease to amaze me. My eyes starts to get heavy. I close them and let myself drift off to sleep.


"Y/N... please help me" I heard someone said. I turn my head to see a man crouching down. "Who... who are you?" I said. The person looks up, showing me his face. It's Zuko.

He looks at me with the look of desperation in his eyes. "Help me, Y/N... I feel so lost. I need you. Save me..." he said. "Zuko..." I said. "Please..." he pleaded. I kneel down in front of him. I lift my hand, gently placing it on his cheek. His body slowly turns into dust. I gasp and stand up. I start to look around, trying to look for Zuko. "Zuko...


End of Dream

I open my eyes. Again with that same dream. Why have I been dreaming about Zuko. It was the 3rd time now. I don't get it. My mind drift off to what Aunt Wu said. She said the man destined to be with me is someone who's troubled. Could it be...? No... don't be ridiculous. It can't be him.

"Sokka?" I heard someone said. I turn my head to see a man, standing a couple of feet away from us. He's staring at Sokka who seem to be awake. Sokka stares at the man.

"Bato?" He said, the look of realization shined in his eyes. "Who the what now?" Aang said, sounding like he just awake. "Bato!!" Katara said, happily. Sokka grins and stands up. He rushes towards Bato with Katara following close behind him. They share a hug, while Aang and I just glance at each other. I feel so awkward right now.

"Hi, I'm Aang!" Aang said. "I'm Y/N" I said, bowing at the man. "Where's dad?" Sokka said, before Bato have a chance to reply to both of us. "Is he here?" Katara said, with a hopeful look on her face. "No... he and the other warriors should be in the Eastern Earth Kingdom by now..." he said. Sokka and Katara looks disappointed. Then a gust of air blows past us, making them shiver.

"This is no place for a reunion... let's get inside..." he said. He places his arms around Katara and Sokka's shoulder. He turns to Aang and I, gesturing the two of us to follow along. Aang and I look at each other. He shrugs his shoulders. Then we silently follow the three of them.

*to be continued*

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