Chapter 58

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Previously on Chapter 57

"It means a lot to hear Air-benders stories. It must have been a hundred years ago your great grandpa met them..." he said. The man turns to look at us with a look of confusion. "What are you prattling about, child? Great grandpappy saw the air walkers last week" he said. He gesture towards the old man, who laughs and waves at us. I let out a gasp of shock.

No way...

-The Northern Air Temple-


I lay down on Appa's saddle, closing my eyes as I feel the soft breeze. We're on our way to the Northern Air Temple. We're pretty excited to learn that we might not be the last ones. That there might be other Air-benders like us.

"Hey, we're almost at the Northern Air Temple" I hear Aang said. I open my eyes and sit up. I move closer to Aang, who's sitting on Appa's head. I can see the Temple in the distance.

"This is where they had the championships for Sky Bison polo" I said. "Do you think we'll really find Air-benders?" I heard Katara said. "You want me to be like you, or totally honest?" Sokka said. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow.

Katara crosses her arms. "Are you saying I'm a liar?" She said, with an offend look. "I'm saying you're an optimist. Same thing, basically..." Sokka said. "Hey, guys! Look at this!" Aang said. I turn my head to see the temple, this time up close. I can see some figures flying around the sky.

"They really are Airbenders!" Katara said. My face fall once I observe them closer. "No, they're not..." Aang said. "What do you mean 'they're not'? Those guys are flying!" Katara said. "Gliding, maybe... but not flying..." I said, bitterly. Aang nods his head in agreement.

"You can tell by the way they move, they're not air-bending. Those people have no spirit" Aang said, with equal bitterness in his voice. Then a boy zoom past us. He's laughing as he does so.

"I don't know, guys. That kid seem pretty spirited" Katara said, gesturing towards the boy. Who's quite close, but still maintain a pretty good distance. I let out a scoff and look away from him. I glance at Aang to see him smirking devilishly. He opens his glider and jumps forward to start flying. I smile playfully and do the same.

"Hey! You guys are pretty good!" The boy said as he looks at us. Aang and I just smirk at each other. "I know" I said. "Yeah, we know. But we can do more than just fancy gliding..." Aang said. We give each other a nod. Aang flies towards the cliff and runs. I flip my glider and stand on top of it, in a way that I am now skating.

There's a boulder in front of me, with a hole in the center. I jump over it and lands back on my glider. I flip and fly again. Aang have landed on his glider not long after.

The boy looks shocked by what we did. "Wow, I don't think I can do that. But here's a good one" the boy said. I watch as he turns a small canister that is positioned under his glider. White smoke begins to stream from the strange contraption.

I scoff and turn to land on the ground with Katara and Sokka. Aang lands next to me with annoyed face. I watch as the boy makes Aang's face in the sky, which looks like it have a scowl. As much as I don't like the boy or any of these people, that cloud thing is pretty funny.

I cover my mouth as I let out a snort. Aang turns to look at me, with a raised eyebrow. I clear my throat. "Sorry... I just can't deny that it's pretty funny..." I said, still trying to stop myself from laughing. He rolled his eyes at me.

The boy lands in front of us. "What do you think?" He said. "Not bad/it's great..." the two of us said together. "Hey, you're real Airbenders. You guys must be the Avatars. That's amazing! I-I've heard stories about you!" He said. "Thanks..." Aang said, sounding embarrassed while I just give him a small smile.

Sokka heads over to the boy's wheel chair. "Wow! The glider chair is incredible!" He said. "You think this is good, wait until you see the other stuff my dad designed" he said, grinning at us.


He leads us through the building. We enter a room with pipes and machinery. I look around with pain in my chest. I don't like how this place have become. This is a sacred place, the place for the monks. Now, I don't even know what is this place anymore.

We come to a stop in front of a wall. Not just any wall, the wall is filled with mural. I clench my hand into a tight fist at the sight. I glance at Aang to see him with an angry expression.

"Wow..." Sokka said, looking around with impressed look. "Yeah, my dad is the mastermind behind this whole place. Everything's powered by hot-air. It even pumps hot air currents outside to give us lift while we're gliding" the boy explains. I walk towards Aang and grab his hand, wanting his comfort because the two of us understand each other as we're both air-benders.

Aang gives my hand a light squeeze. I can feel his hand a little tense. "This place is unbelievable..." he said, in a monotone voice. "Yeah, it's great, isn't it?" The boy said. "No, just unbelievable..." I said, as I walk away while pulling Aang along with me.

We stand in front of the wall. The mural is covered with pipes sticking out of it. I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Katara. "This is suppose to be the history of our people..." I said with a sad tone. "Yeah..." Aang said, wrapping an arm around me.

"Ugh!" I turn to look at what Aang is staring at. A smoke is seeping out of the pipe in a bison's mural mouth. "Ew!" I said, gagging. "I'm sure some part of the temple are still the same" Katara said, trying her best to comfort us. I just give her a small smile, even though my heart is thumping painfully against my chest. Everything is so different now.

*to be continued*

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