Chapter 31

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Previously on Chapter 30

"Um, Sokka? You know we're going the wrong way, right?" I said. He froze for a few seconds and laughs. "And sometimes they're wrong!" He said. He pulls Appa's reign and turns us around. We burst out into laughter.

-The Great Divide-


I'm helping Katara getting some woods to start the fire. We walk back towards our campsite. Sokka is tying up the ropes around the tent.

"Um... aren't you forgetting the tarp?" Katara said. "Right, got it..." he said, tossing the tarp inside the tent. "Sokka, you're supposed to put the tarp on top of the tent! You know, so we don't get rained on" she said.

"Ordinarily, you'd be right. But seeing how it's the drying season. You're not. Besides the tarp makes a pretty warm blanket..." Sokka said. I let out a sigh, knowing these two would start fighting over some stupid thing.

"But what if it does rain?" Katara said. "What if it doesn't?? Then I would have put the tarp up for nothing!" He said. "Guys... come on... do you two have to fight all the time?" I said, trying to calm the two of them.

"You're infuriating!!" Katara yelled. "Katara, why don't you worry about gathering firewood? Because that kindling is looking pretty sorry. Look at Y/N... she gathered more than yours" he said, eyeing our firewood. I place mine down and sit down, huffing.

"Well, if you don't like my firewood" she started as she throws the firewood at Sokka. "Fine by me! If you're not gonna do your job!" Sokka said, he pulls the rope off of the tent. This makes the tent collapse.

"Okay, I got the grub if you got the- hey, where's the campfire? And what happened to the tent?" Aang said. "Why don't you ask miss know-it-all, Queen of the Twigs" Sokka said. "Oh yeah? Well, you're mister Lazy Bum, King of the Tents!" Katara said, throwing a twig at Sokka. Sokka yelped and turn to glare at her.

"Why aren't you doing anything, Y/N?" Aang said. "What am I suppose to do? They're ignoring me..." I said, crossing my arms. He lets out a sigh and walks forward to them. "Okay, listen guys. Harsh words won't solve problem, actions will. Why don't you just switch jobs?" He said.

"Sounds good/whatever" both Katara and Sokka said together. Aang turns to look at me. "You see that? Settling feuds and making peace. All in a day's work of the Avatar..." he said, grinning at me. I let out a sigh.

I hear a sound. I turn my head to see Appa, l/n and Momo fighting over two watermelons. Appa is holding the watermelons. While l/n and Momo is trying to take it from him.

When Momo and l/n give up, Appa puts them in his mouth. Only for l/n and Momo to grab them. They place them by my feet. I pick them up and throw them. I cut them using my air-bending, making sure Appa's bigger.

Momo and l/n protests at me. "Come on, you two... Appa's got 5 stomach" I said, gesturing towards the giant. They eventually starts eating their portion. I smile softly at them. "Good job, Y/N..." Aang said, patting my shoulder. I smile softly at him.


We're now standing overlooking the cliff. "Here it is, guys... The Great Divide!" Aang said. "Wow... I could just stare at it forever..." Katara said, staring at the scenery in front of us in awe.

"Okay, I've seen enough..." Sokka said. "How can you not be fascinated, Sokka? This is the largest canyon in the entire world?" Katara said, annoyed by her brother. I let out a sigh at their constant bickering.

"Then I'm sure we'll be able to see it very clearly from the air while we fly away" he said. He got shoved by a man. "If you're looking for the canyon guide, I was here first!" He said, looking stern. "Ooh, canyon guide? Sounds informative" Katara said.

"Believe me, he's more than a tour guide. He's an earth-bender" he said. I notice Sokka behind him is making a face. I walk towards him. He's still making faces at the man. I huffed and flick his forehead.

"Ow! What's was that for?" He said. "Because you're being disrespectful" I said, crossing my arms across my chest. "Oh..." he said, looking away from me.

"And the only way in and out of the canyon is with his help, and he's taking MY tribe next" he said. "Calm down, we know you're next" Sokka said. I elbow his rib. He wince and turns to look at me to protest. I glare at him, making him instantly shuts up.

"You wouldn't be so calm if the Fire Nation destroy YOUR home and forced YOU to flee! My whole tribe has to walk thousands of miles to the capital city of Ba Sing Se" he said. "You're a refugee!" Katara said. "Huh, tell me something I don't know..." he said, in annoyance.

I turn my head and notice a group of people. They look different from the man. "Is that your tribe?" Katara said. "I don't think so, Katara... they're so different. Look at the way they're dressed" I said.

The man turns his head to look at me. Then back at the group. "At least your friend here is smart. It most certainly is not! That's the Zhang tribe. They've been the enemies of my tribe for a hundred years..." the man said.

"Hey, Zhangs! I'm saving a spot for my tribe so don't even think about stealing it!" He yelled. "Where are the rest of the Gan Jin? Still tidying up their camp site?" A man, that seem to be a leader said. "Yes, but they sent me ahead of them to hold a spot" he said. I can feel the hate between these people.

"I didn't know the canyon guide took reservations" the Zhang leader said. "Ha! Of course you didn't! That's the ignorance I'd expect from a messy Zhang! So unorganized and ill-prepared for a journey" the man said. The Zhang tribe starts yelling protests.

I let out a sigh. First Katara and Sokka... now these two tribes. Can't we just have one journey without these kind of things? We can never be peaceful, can we? Of course we can... when the war is over. To do that, Aang and I have to master the other elements in order to be able to put an end to this chaos.

*to be continued*

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