Chapter 45

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Previously on Chapter 44

I can't help but think about what Aunt Wu just said. The man I'm suppose to be destined with is complicated? He struggled with himself... of who he is? I wonder who that is.

-Cloud Reading-


We are now walking down the streets of the village. I'm walking next to Sokka. I walk in silent, my mind still went to what Aunt Wu told me. This makes me curious... who could the man be?

I feel a nudge on my side. I turn my head to see it's Sokka who nudged me. "What?" I asked. "Are you okay, Y/N? You've been zoning out ever since we left the house..." he said. "I'm fine... I'm just thinking..." I said. He just bummed at my response.

"Well... now that you got to see for yourselves how fortune telling is just a big, stupid hoax..." he said. "You're just saying that because you're going to make yourself unhappy your whole life..." Katara said, giggling to herself.

Sokka turns to her, with an angry face. "That woman is crazy! My life will be calm and happy and joyful!" He said. He kicks a rock only for it to hit a metal sign and bounces back, hitting him square in the head. I let out a soft gasp at what happened. He hunches over for a few seconds. Then he lift a finger.

"That doesn't prove anything!" He said. "Well, I liked my prediction. Certain things are going to turn out very well!" Katara said, happily. Aang crosses his arms as he smile slyly.

"They sure are..." he said. "Why? What did she tell you?" She said. "Some... stuff. You'll find out" Aang said, awkwardly. I let out a laugh. "He's just happy... you know earlier when it's your turn. He- hmphh!" I got cut off by Aang's hand. He covered my mouth before I could speak any further.

"Don't say anything!" He hissed in my ear. I just pat his hand softly, letting him know I won't say it. He let my mouth go and eyed me, making sure I won't say a thing.

"You know he.." I started, trying to tease him. "Y/N!" He whined. "Okay! Okay! I'm just teasing..." I said. I stuck my tongue out at him and runs off. "Why you!" He yelled behind me. I hear his footsteps as he chase after me, making me burst out laughing.


It was later at noon, when we notice that everyone is gathering. They are all looking at the sky. I glance at the sky, noticing clouds in various forms.

"What's with the sky?" Katara said, looking at the sky as well. A calm looking man turns to look at us. "We are waiting for Aunt Wu to come and read the clouds to predict the fate of the whole village..." he said.

"That cloud kinda look like a fluffy bunny" Aang said as he points at a certain cloud. "You better hope that is not a bunny! The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction" the man said, looking a little worried. "Bunnies are so cute! How can they forecast misfortune??" I said. The man just shrugs. "I don't know... that's what Aunt Wu told us" he said. Okay, I'm starting to doubt her. "Y/N's right. Do you even hear yourself?" Sokka said, looking disgusted. But they ignore him.

"The cloud reading will tell us if Mt. Makapu will remain dormant for another year or if it will erupt" a woman said, gesturing towards a mountain. I turn my head to look at the mountain briefly. I can feel a slight changes in the air. 'Something feels wrong... I can feel the air changing...' I thought to myself. I feel a nudge on my side and turn my head to see Sokka.

"Do you feel something?" He asked. I nod my head. "Yeah..." I said. "Is it a bad feeling?" He asked again. I just nod my head, without saying anything else. He nods his head.

"We used to have a tradition once a year to check the the volcano ourselves. But ever since Aunt Wu move into the village we have a tradition of not doing that" the man said.

Sokka let out a groan of annoyance. "I can't believe you would trust your lives to that crazy, old woman's superstition! Even Y/N here can feel the changes! She is the Avatar, plus she was never wrong!" Sokka said. "Sokka... it's useless" I said. I was right, all of them ignores him and starts cheering for Aunt Wu when she arrives.

I just listening to them. "Hey, Aang! Don't you think that cloud looks like a flower?" I hear Meng said, to my brother. Aang turns to look at her. "Huh, sure... I guess..." he said. He pushes Meng away. I gasps at what he did. "Aang! That was so rude!" I said. He just ignores me and turns to Katara.

"Hey, Katara, don't you think that cloud look like a flower?" He said. "Shhh!" Katara shushed him. He looks sad at her reaction. I just let her back softly, trying to comfort him.

I turn my attention to Aunt Wu as she begin her thing. "Arrow bending cloud... good crops this year. Nice big harvest..." she said. "Darn good news!!" A man said, excitedly as he an elderly woman.

"Wavy, moon-shaped cloud... let's see. Gonna be a great year for twins!" She said. A twin high fives each other. Aang turns to me and grin, while I just smile at him.

"And a cumulus cloud with a twisted knot coming off at the end of it... the village will not be destroyed by the volcano this year!!" She said, lifting both of her hands. The crowd starts to cheer happily at what she said.

"Since I got you here, uh, there's something I want to tell you. I like you, but more than normal..." I hear Aang said. But instead of responding to him, Katara runs off to chase after Aunt Wu.

"Nevermind..." Aang said, in dejected voice. "Oh, it's okay, Aang... I'm sure if you keep trying, she's going to notice you..." I said, wrapping my arms around his shoulder. He smiles at me. "Thanks, sis..." he said. I grin at him and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back, nuzzling his face into my hair.

*to be continued*

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