Chapter 70

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Previously on Chapter 69

"I'm sorry..." I said. "I'm going for her..." He said. "Let me come with you" I said. "No. You've done enough damage as it is..." he said. "Please Aang. I care for your sister just as much as you do. Zuko gains more power from the sun. He managed to knock me out. I didn't let her get taken on purpose, I wouldn't! Aang... please..." I pleaded. His eyes soften at what I said. He lets out a sigh and nod his head. Hang on, Y/N...

We're coming for you...

-Zuko's Past-


We walk through blizzard. It's freezing and I don't even have thick clothes on me. My hands is tied up in front of me. Zuko holds the other end of the rope as he escorts me through the blizzard.

"Shelter..." he said. I turn my head to look at what he's looking to see a cave. He turns to look at me for a brief seconds, then he turns his head to look at the cave. My eyes gets blurry because of the cold. I can't even feel my feet. I stumble forward and lands on my knees.

Zuko turns to see me kneeling on the ground. "Are you okay??" He said. For some reasons, I can hear a hint of worry his in voice. He rushes towards me and squat down in front of me. "I can't feel my feet..." I said. He gently scoops me up and rushes towards the cave.

He set me down agains the wall of the cave. He use his fire-bending to create fire in his hands. "What are you doing? Are you trying to burn me?" I asked, looking at him warily. "No... I'm trying to keep you warm!" He said. "Oh..." was all I said. I just lean my back against the wall. The fire Zuko created slowly warms me.

"That's the one good thing about fire..." I said. He turns to look at me in confusion. "What?" He said. "Warmth. Fire provide warmth on a harsh weather like this" I said.

"Yeah... I guess that's that. I didn't think there's anything good about fire until you said it" he said. "There's good in everything, Zuko. There is good in YOU" I said. "You believe so?" He said, turning to look at me.

I smile at him and nod my head. His eyes glisten a little. I decided to look away, maybe he's the type who refuses to show emotion if there is people watching.

I glance at Zuko, who's sitting next to me. Since he's sitting on my right side, I get a full view of his left. More specifically, the scar on his face. Before I can stop myself... I lift my hand which is bonded, placing it on his scar.

My eyes widened as I see a flashes of image in my mind. They're all too distinctive. But I manage to make out one. There's a man, shooting fire at him.

Zuko moves away from me, snapping me out of my daze. "What are you doing?" He said. "S-Sorry..." I said, looking away from him. Then silence filled the room.

"The scar on your face... they weren't an accident, right?" I said, turning to look at him. "What makes you say that?" He said. "I don't know how... or why. But when I touched your scar. I can see flashing images in my mind. But the only one I can make out is the sight of someone shooting fire right at you. He looks, angry and disappointed. He must be someone related to you. That kind of looks can't be from other people" I said. He stays silent and looks away from me, completely not expecting what I said.

"My father..." he said. "What?" I asked. "The one that caused this scar is my father..." he said, lifting a hand to touch his scar. "Why? W-What happened? Don't answer me if it burdens you..." I said. He just looks down. He starts telling me how he wants to join in a meeting. But the guard didn't let him. He furious about it. In the end, he managed to get in because of his uncle.

When one of the men in the meeting tells the plan. He speaks out his opinion about how cruel it is to sacrifice the Fire Nation soldiers, thus earning him an Akni Kai battle. Which turns out to be his own father. He refuses to fight back, and his father gets furious and starts calling him names. Then he burns his left eye.

"That's horrible..." I said, after he finished telling me what happened. He just stayed silent, not saying a thing. I can see a few tears streaming down his cheek.

"Zuko..." I said. He turns his head to look at me. "I know how much you wanted to go home. But you have to remember... THINK carefully. A real father, no matter how much mistakes their child made. No matter what mistake it was. They won't punish them like that. Your father isn't a good person, Zuko. If he truly loves you. He would have taught you how to be brave. Not punish you for being the way you are..." I said. He stays silent at what I said. I let out a sigh and turn my head away from him.

I hear the sound of crying. I turn my head to see Zuko crying. I lift my hands and place it on his neck, gently pulling him into a hug. I place his head on the crook of my neck. I stay silent as I let him cry. Now I know... Zuko isn't a bad person. He just wanted to be love by his cruel father.

Aang P.O.V

"Don't worry, Prince Zuko can't be getting too far in this weather..." Princess Yue said. "I'm not worried they'll get away in the blizzard. I'm worried that they won't" Katara said. I tighten my grips on the reign. I can't lose Y/N... she's all I have left.

"Y/N..." I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Sokka. "They'll not going to die in this blizzard. If we know anything, it's that Zuko never gives up. They'll survive and we'll find them" he said. I just nod my head. My sister will survive... she will.

I close my eyes. Twins are connected... we are both the Avatars. Maybe I can find away to connect with her. Y/N... please... where are you?

I see a flashing image in my head. I see a cave. My eyes shot open. "A cave! They're in a cave!" I said, startling the others. "How did you know?" Sokka said. "I just do... there!" I said, pointing at the cave. I urge Appa to land on the snow covered ground.


Zuko pulls away and scoots a couple of feet away. I just smile at him and place my hands on my lap. "I'll take that as you're feeling better..." I said. He turns to me with a glare.

"Y/N!!" Someone yelled out. I turn my head to the entrance to see Aang. "Aang?" I said. Zuko gets on his feet, standing on battle stance. Aang uses his air-bending, sending Zuko outside the cave.

Aang rushes to me and kneels down in front of me. "What were you thinking?! Why do you let yourself get captured like that, huh? What do you think I'd feel, Y/N? You're all I have left!" He said. "I-I'm so sorry... I-I... I just want to protect you. I've f-failed p-protecting our p-people. I don't w-wanna fail at p-p-protecting you t-too..." I said. I feel the rope in my hand loosen up. Then I feel my body getting pulled into a tight hug.

"Don't do that to me..." he said, I feel something wet on my shirt. I hug him back, just as tight. "I'm sorry, Aang..." I said. He pulls away about an arm-length. "You're okay... that's all I care about" he said. I just smile at him.

*to be continued*

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