Chapter 28

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Previously on Chapter 27

"Ouch... that's gotta hurt a lot. Are you okay, Aang?" I said, worriedly. He just raises his head and starts laughing again. I shake my head and laughs as well. I know he's intimidating... but that was funny, not gonna lie.

-Treetop Hideouts-


Katara walks towards Jet. "Thanks for saving us, Jet. We're lucky you were there" Katara said. Jet turns to look at her. "We should be thanking YOU. We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning. We were just waiting for the right distraction, and then you guys stumbled in" he said.

"We were relying on instinct" she said, glancing at Sokka. "You'll get yourself killed doing that" he said. Sokka looks upset, so I walk towards him. "Hey..." I said. He turns to look at me, then he looks away.

"Hey..." he said. "Don't mind what they said, okay? You were only trying your best to keep us safe..." I said, smiling at him. "Thank you, Y/N..." he said. I smile and pat his shoulder lightly.

"Hey Jet. These barrels are filled of blasting jelly" I hear The Duke said. "That's a great score" Jet said, smirking. "And these boxes filled with jelly candy" Pipsqueak said.

"Make sure to not get those two mixed up. Wouldn't want to blow up now, do you?" I said. Jet turns to me and chuckles. "She's right... that's also good. But just like she said... don't get those mixed up" he said.

They nod their heads. "We'll take these stuff back to the hide out" The Duke said. Aang perks up at what he said. "You guys have a hideout?" He said. "You wanna see it?" He said. Katara looks excited. "Yes! We wanna see it" she said. He starts walking and we follow him.


After a while of walking, we finally stops. "We're here" Jet said. I look around in confusion. It's just trees. There's nothing here.

"Where? There's nothing here" Sokka said, beating me to it. "Hold this" Jet said, handing a rope to him. "Why? What's this do?" Sokka said, taking the rope from him. He screams when the rope starts pulling him up. I burst out laughing at his reaction.

"Aang? Y/N?" He said, offering us two similar ropes. Aang turns to look at me and grin. "We'll get up on our own..." he said, smiling. I nod my head. "Race you, Aang!" I yelled out, already jumping up. "Hey! No fair!!" He yelled. I jump above the trees and gasp, as I take in my surrounding in awe.

Aang landed next to me

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Aang landed next to me. "You have a head start!" He said. He turns to look at where I'm staring. "Wow..." he said. I notice a zip line and grab Aang's hand to go try it out.

We're zip lining along the rope. I turn to see Katara arrives. She's in Jet's arm. She have a huge blush on her face.

"Nice place you got!" Aang said, as he appears next to me. I use my air-bending and lands next to them. "It's beautiful up here!" Katara said. "It's beautiful... and more importantly the Fire Nation can't find us" Jet said. Smellerbee landed by us.

"They would love to find you. Wouldn't they, Jet?" She said. "It's not gonna happen, Smellerbee" he said, smiling at the girl. "Why? What happened? Why did the Fire Nation want to find you?" I asked, curiously.

He turns his head to look at me. "I guess you could say, I've been causing them a little trouble. See, they took over a nearby Earth Kingdom town a few years back" he said. "We've been ambushin' their troops, cutting of their supply lines, and doing anything we can to mess with 'em" Pipsqueak joins in. I can see Sokka jumping around behind him.

"One day, we'll drive the Fire Nation out of here for good and free that town" Jet said, with confidence radiating from him. "That's so brave" Katara said. "Yeah... nothing's braver than a guy in a tree house" Sokka said, as he finally manage to push pass the bigger boy.

"Don't pay attention to my brother" Katara said. "No problem. He probably had a rough day" he said. I glance to see Sokka stopping in his track at Katara's comment. I stop walking and walk towards him.

"Are you okay, Sokka?" I asked. He turns to look at me and sighs. "I'm fine..." he said. "Doesn't look fine to me. You wanna talk about it?" I asked. "I'm just... I don't know..." he trailed off. "Jealous?" I said. He snaps his head at me.

"What?" He said. "I said you're jealous... because Jet can lead his fighters. So you're feeling insecure about it" I said. "No I'm not!" He tried to deny. "You can't really lie to me, you know... it's written all over your face..." I said. He lets out a sigh and looks down. I let out a sigh and walks towards him. I gently wrap my arms around him. He froze in his spot, but he hugs me back.

I pull away from the hug and place my hands on his shoulders. "You're a good leader, you know? Don't think otherwise. If we don't have you with us. This group would have fallen apart a long time ago. YOU are the one that came up with the plans and such... don't underestimate yourself, Sokka..." I said. I smile softly at him and turns around to walk forward.

Sokka P.O.V

My heart skipped a beat at what Y/N told me. "She really believed in me..." I said to myself. I feel a smile slowly appear on my face. What am I going to do? My feelings for her slowly grows. What would Aang said about it? It's going to be so awkward.


It's now dining time. I'm sitting in between Sokka and Aang. Jet stands up and walks on the table. He have a cup in his hand.

"Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine" he said. Everyone starts cheering at what he said. I smile softly as I take a light sip from my glass.

"I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face, when The Duke dropped on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog monkey" he said. The Duke get on the table and starts marching around with his arms raised. Everyone cheers again.

The Duke take a seat again. Jet smiles and turns to look at everyone. "Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees" he said. He lift his wooden cup to his lips. "Maybe, they're right..." he said. Everyone starts to boo at him. "Or maybe... they're DEAD wrong!" He said, making everyone cheers loudly. He takes a seat next to Katara.

"Hey, Jet... nice speech..." Katara said. "Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you, Y/N and Aang. That was some great bending I saw out there today..." he said. "They're great... they're the Avatars. I could use some more training..." she said. "Avatars, huh? VERY nice. But wait... two Avatars?" He said, looking at Aang and I in confusion. I nod my head.

"Yeah... apparently, during reincarnation process. Avatar Roku's soul split into two since Aang and I are twins... so... the two of us ended up being the Avatars. Even though each of us holds half of the previous Avatar. We can use bending with full strength like previous Avatars. We'd be even more stronger if we work together. We just have to figure out how" I said.

Jet looks impressed by what I told him. "Really nice. Now we have a bigger chance at taking down the Fire Nation" he said. "Indeed we are..." I said, grinning at him.

*to be continued*

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu