Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

Aang looks upset as Katara and Sokka walks ahead of us. I walk towards him and pat his shoulder. "I'm sure the whistle works for something... don't worry, Aang..." I said, smiling softly at him. "Thanks, Y/N" he said, giving me a small smile. Then we follow the others.

-Pirates Means Trouble-


We continue to walk around the town. We walk pass a man, who's trying to get people to visit their ship. I can already tell he's not a good person from the way he's dressing.

He turns to look at us. "You there!" He said. He runs towards us as we stop walking to look at him. "I can tell from the way you're dressing you're some world traveling type... perhaps I can introduce you to some exotic curios?" He said. "Sure! What are curios?" Aang said. The man looks at him with a straight face.

"I'm not entirely sure... but we got 'em" he said. He wraps an arm around Aang and starts leading him towards the ship. Something's not right about him.

I look around the ship. They have a lot of exotic stuff like they said they have. I turn to look at Aang as he looks at something in the shelf. While Katara stares at an ornate monkey statue.

"I've never seen such a fine specimens of lemurs" I hear someone said. I turn my head to see a man as he walks into the room. One look from him, I can already tell he's not someone I'd like to mess with. His demeanor screams trouble.

"Those two beasts would fetch me a hefty sum if you'd be interested in bartering..." he said. I can see an iguana parrot on his shoulder. It squawks at us. Momo and l/n chitters back.

"Momo's not for sale..." Aang said, pulling Momo in his embrace. "l/n neither" I said, crossing my arms across my chest. I can see he looks annoyed by our response. But I couldn't careless. l/n is my pet... she is my family.

I turn my head to look at Katara. She's looking at a bunch of scrolls. She grab one and pull it out. I walk over to her as she unrolls the scroll. I can see a lot of drawings with poses.

"Look at this Aang! Y/N! It's a water-bending scroll! Check out these crazy moves!" She said, excitedly. I just stare at it. I have a strong memories, it's easy for me to memorize anything.

"Where did you get a water-bending scroll??" Aang said, turning to look at the man looking excited. The man walks towards us and snatch the scroll away. I glare at the man. It's clear that he didn't get it nicely, judging by how hostile he's being.

"Let's just say, I got this up North for a reasonable price... free!" He said. He turns and place the scroll back in the shelf. The more I'm here... the more I'm getting the feeling that these people can't be trusted.

"Wait a minute. Sea-loving traders, with suspiciously  acquired merchandise... hmm and pet reptile birds. You guys are pirates!!" He yelled, as he turns to the man that leads us here.

"We prefer to think ourselves as "high risks traders" type of people" the man said. Okay, that's just prove my assumption. I'd like to leave as soon as we can. I turn my head to see Katara holding the money we've had left with a hopeful look on her face.

"So... how much for, uh, traded scroll?" She said. Did she really think of negotiating a pirate? Oh this isn't going to end well. The captain turns to look at her. He smirks as he stares at Katara.

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora