Chapter 65

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Previously on Chapter 64

I let out a sigh and place my hand on my sigh as I look up into the night sky. I let the tears streams down my cheeks, not bothering to wipe them away because more tears would continue to stream down my cheeks anyway.

Why do I feel this way?

-Outburst and Misunderstanding-


I'm laying in the bed in our shared room. I lay on my side. My mind keep on thinking about the feeling I have been feeling lately. Especially when I watch Sokka talking to another girl.

"How's warrior training going?" Katara said. I turn my head to see Sokka. He kicks his bag in respond. "That bad?" Aang said. He lay down on the futon. "No, it's Princess Yue. I don't get it, one minute she wants to go out with me, and the next, she's telling me to get lost" he said. I let out a sigh and turn my head away from him.

"So, how's water-bending training?" He asked. "Master Poophead won't teach her because she's a girl" Aang said. "But Y/N's a girl..." he said. I turn to lay on my back, staring at the ceiling with my hands behind my head.

"He said I'm an exception because I'm the Avatar. I can see his reluctance when the chief introduce us. He have that same look when he looks at Katara..." I said. "Hmm... that's bad" he said. I just roll my eyes. "Tell me about it..." I said.

"Why don't you just teach her, Aang? Y/N?" He said out of no where. "Why didn't I think that?!" Katara suddenly said. I jump at her sudden outburst. "At night, you can teach me whatever you two learn from Master Pakku! That way, you have someone to practice with, and I get to learn water-bending! Everyone's happy!" She said. "I'm not happy" Sokka said.

"What to expect? You're grumpy all the time. But I do feel a bit skeptical about this. No offense Katara. We could get caught, ya know?" I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"It'll be alright. Please?" She said, pleadingly. I turn to look at Aang to see him looking at me with the same look Katara is giving me. I let out a sigh and nod my head. "Great! Come on, Y/N! Aang!" She said. She gets up and runs off. Me and Aang look at each other. Then we get up and follow Katara out of the house.


"Master Pakku said this move is all about sinking and floating. Y/N... demonstrate please" Aang said. I nod my head and starts to bend the water. I show a few move and bend the water towards Katara. "I got it!" She said. The water suddenly moves around her before shooting upwards.

"That was amazing!" Aang said. "That wasn't me" she said. I turn my head to look up and gasps in shock. Master Pakku is standing at a higher ground, he freezes the water and sticks them to the ground.

"We... we were just teaching Katara a few move" Aang said. "You have disrespected me, my teaching and my entire culture" he said, glaring angrily at the three of us.

"I'm sorry, I..." Aang started. But Master Pakku cuts him off. "You two are no longer welcome as my students" he said. He turns around and walk away. I let out a sigh and turn to the others.

"I told you so..." I said, crossing my arms across my chest. Katara turns to look at me with an angered look. "Oh... someone is upset because she can't learn anymore. What, huh? Is your privilege as the female Avatar has expired?!" She said. I look at her with a hurt expression.

"Katara... you know I'm also upset that you didn't get to learn! Why are you taking this out on me?" I said. "Tch... I bet deep down you're happy. Because you're OH so perfect. You're a fast learner... Aang told me that you mastered water-bending way faster than he is. Even HE felt threatened by you!" She said. Aang steps forward.

"Katara... that's enough. I never feel threatened by Y/N. She's my little sister. I'm happy that she made a huge progress" he said. Katara rolls her eyes. "You don't have to lie to yourself, Aang. Just admit it... you're hurt because everyone favors Y/N more than you..." she said.

"Katara-" Aang tried to say, but I lift my hand in front of him to stop him from talking any further. He stays silent and looks at me in worry. I ignore the look he gave me and turn to look at Katara.

"I didn't ask for ANY of this okay! Everyone claimed Aang as the Avatar first! I'm just a 2nd Avatar and I don't even ask for it! I didn't ask to be put into this kind of situation. But the world decided to put me into it! I lost everything! I lost my home. I lost MY bison. So don't think I'm happy being what I am now! I'd much rather be a normal air-bender! Not this 'master of all four element' thing!!" I said, while taking steps closer towards Katara. I raise my voice with each words to the point I'm yelling at her with tears streams down my cheeks.

Katara's eyes widened as guilt spread across her face. "Y/N... I'm-" she started. "Shut up! Just shut up! Next time you want to judge someone. Think first! You're not the only one suffering around here" I yelled at her. I walk past her, purposely bumping into her shoulder as I run away.

I stop by the bridge as I starts to cry harder. I can't believe Katara thinks that way about me. How could she said that stuff to me? She knows how upset I've been.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Someone said. I turn my head to see my brother. "Aang..." I said. I turn away from him and look forward. I hear footsteps coming to me and feel myself getting pull into a hug.

"She's just upset, Y/N. You know that had been very excited about learning water-bending. It was just a hit in the moment. So don't take what she said to the heart, okay?" He said. I lean my head in his shoulder and hugs him back.

"Is it true?" I asked. "What is?" He asked. "That you feel threatened about me? Because I've been able to master the learning we went through together?" I asked. He frown at me.

"Well... I admit... I am a little jealous. But Y/N... not even once do I feel threatened by you. You are my lil sister. Why would I feel threaten?" He asked. I just smile sadly at him.

He wipes my cheek softly. "Stop thinking about it, okay?" He said. I just nod my head. He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. I lean my head against his shoulder, hugging him back.

*to be continued*

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