Volume Two Ch. Three: Not So Keikaku

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~First Person~

Panting heavily, I skid to drift around a corner of the hallway I was currently booking it downwards. That nice little drift helped me continue my momentum as I continued running for what felt like my life. The reason why came in the form of me suddenly having to duck underneath a swing. Due to Pilot Training, I also slid on my knees since we're taught to always slide when springing and coming to a crouch because its easier for us to dodge. Reacting by hopping onto my feet, I tried to reach to my gauntlet to activate STIM or anything but, the moment my hand came up? A translucent blue shining rope wrapped around my hand as I yelped out upon feeling my hand get tugged backwards.

The uncomfortable situation caused me to swing a leg around as I saw two shadowed figures making their way towards me. The clacking of heels making me go wide eyed.




"Oh Pilot~!"

Hearing that tone of sultry in that voice made me shiver uncomfortably as my eyes went wide. Sweating going down the sides of my face as I wore my helmet, I knew my fate was sealed then, came another voice. One that betrayed me...

"I'm sorry, Pilot..."

"How could you do this to me...Bun!?"

~Third Person~

Out from the shadows came Velvet Scarletina, also known as the Bunny of Beacon, as she held a lasso made from hard-light which, despite the name, was very flexible given the form it took. Right next to her, stood her Team Leader, Coco Adel, with purse at her side as she strutted up to the Pilot. Stopping in front of him, she then gave him a small whack that hurt more than it should have given his helmet.


"That's for making us run through the halls after you! Do you not remember what I said!? 'In. Touch.'"

She said as she prodded the Pilot's visor as he flinched each time. Pulling her hand back, she would snap her fingers as the lasso Velvet held would disappear. The Bun's ears were down to show she was remorseful yet-

"To be fair...You do need a new set of attire. What do you do to wash that anyways?"

"I put on a new one."

"And how many do you own?"

Going silent, the Pilot would tremble and sweat more as Coco then turned to him with an eyebrow raised. Looking eyes with Coco, he would whip his head away and tremble more as the coffee girl grabbed his shoulder as a shadow was cast over her face.

"Yeah, Pilot. How many do you own?"

In the Pilot's defense...he was in 24/7 firefights on Typhon upon arrival on the planet and even more so the coming days to the collapse of the Fold Weapon. Still, this caused Velvet and Coco to only stare at the Pilot before he suddenly found himself being hoisted into the air as the two locked shoulders with him. Causing him to yell out and swing his legs.

"H-Help! Kidnapping! Goodwitch! Tasukete!"

It was pointless though...for it was also Goodwitch who set him up to be found by Coco and Velvet upon telling Goodwitch why they were after him. Normally she wouldn't mingle in the affairs of the students outside of class but, this was an exception.

~First Person~

Despite how cute the both of them are, alongside with slim...and other things, they can carry their own weight. Especially given the fact I'm the average kind of pilot in terms of weight but, it still surprised me given I had all my gear. Effortlessly, the two carried me to Vale before they set me down o to my feet as I let my head hang low given how embarrassing it was.

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