Chapter Four: Team Counseling

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-First Person-

To save all of us time and precious hand strength, the ensuing "fight" between Weiss and another one of those boar grimm was as a bad one. Throughout the match, Ruby would try to give Weiss tips and motivation but, would ultimately get scolded by Weiss.

Truth was though, Weiss was in the wrong the whole time. She let herself get distracted when there was nothing TO distract her. And her many fails were actually just by products of her underestimating her opponent. At the end though, it really didn't matter since Weiss left in an even worse mood than before.

"I'm afraid that is all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings. AND stay. Vigilant. Class dismissed."

Right after, Weiss wore a scowl as she walked out the room without another word. The remainder of Team RWBY and even Jaune who I just took note of, all sat in awkward silence. Looking to Ruby, I felt bad since it seemed as though I just saw a puppy get kicked. Sighing out, I shook my head.

"And this is why I hated school....drama. At least back home the only drama was to see who was a rat..."

Thinking back to my school days, I cringed as the vivid image of a "teacher" interrogating all of us popped up. Shaking my head, before Ruby followed after Weiss. I simply stayed behind as the rest of RWBY and Jaune left. Leaving me in the classroom alone as Port came up to me. Peering at me through my helmet.

"I say, I never have seen somebody with such a choice of uniform. I presume you are...Atlesian?"

With a nod, I sat back in my seat.

"Yeah. Just arrived the other day during initiation."

"I see. Well, I must applaud you. I have never seen such tenacity, aside from myself-"

He struck a pose that made me gain a sweat-drop expression as he then continued.

"-in taking on grimm. You turned my arena into a playground with how fast you moved and how you scanned the area for such a small time. And that semblances of yours is interesting."

Hearing the appraisal, I couldn't help myself but smile. This man was radiating cool awesome uncle vibes and I was loving it. That's how I knew his whole boring schtick was actually just a schtick. Not himself.

"Thank you, sir. It actually means a lot to me."

"You are certainly the military type but, you yourself are not."

It took me a bit to understand what he meant but, then it hit me. He was saying how my gear and everything on the outside was all military urah type gear. But my personality and fighting wasn't.

"Well...I guess I can be called a freelancer of sorts. Then again, I learned all I have from other so then again.."

"Nonsense! That style of fighting and the way you use it becomes its own. Thus, making you, you."

I was a bit taken a back by this before he mentioned to me to follow as he began to leave the classroom. So, I followed.

"Tell me, boy. Do you always wear that helmet?"

"Uhm. Just not when I sleep shower or eat."

Port rewarded my half-witted joke with a hearty laugh that made me chuckle.

"Of course you don't! But, I meant, outside of those. Do you not?"

I thought about this for a bit and went to answer but, then it struck me. Since I finished pilot training and went straight to fighting, I never once removed my helmet unless those criteria were met. Then, I let out a soft sigh. One that he noticed right away as we entered a balcony of sorts. Now seeing the sun beginning to set, I raised an eyebrow at how the day seemed to just faded.

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