Vol. Three Ch. Nine: Remnants

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~First Person~


I yelled out to Athena as she dropped her Thermal Shield as soon as a satchel charge left my hand as it soar through the air. Landing on the chassis of a Ronin Class IMC Titan, I launched a tube from my Softball as the Satchel charge soon went off after the Softball grenade went off. Causing the Ronin to stumble heavy as Athena rushed in before grabbing its hatch and tearing it open. Firing a single round from my Softball at the Pilot inside before Athena slammed the hatch on them as I heard a muffled yell. A small explosion soon rang out for that to signify the Pilot was gone. Falling onto its back with a loud crash, there was not a moment to spare.

Jumping high up into the air, as Athena ducked as low as she could, a powered up Spread Shot from a Predator Cannon whizzed by us. Athena's upper hatch would get hit a few times but, her shield remained active. As for me, the bullets cracks on by as I felt one get a bit too close to my crotch as I yelped out feeling the air between my legs heat up as well as that turbulence feeling. With a growl, I shot my grappling hook down at Athena and zipped on over to her but, instead of boarding her, I whipped behind us thanks to a Tone Titan trying to shoot me out the air.

"Right here, you prick!"

I wasted no time to pull the pin on an Arc Grenade before tossing it at the Tone Titan. Upon impact with its leg, it froze up as I landed on its hatch with a nice thud. As Athena backed up towards me, that Legion was really opening up on her as she had her Vortex shield active. As soon as I got onto the top hatch of Tone, Athena whipped around with all the bullets she had caught to unless them on the Tone. Thanks to being so close to the cockpit, I could heard the meaty sludge that was the Pilot inside as I undid the battery. Yanking it off, Athena caught me with her hand as she one-handed her XO-16 to shoot at the Legion as it reloaded. Forcing it to retreat as she began to dodge fire from a Northstar in the distance. And then literally dodge from a Scorch.

"I never knew you could one hand an XO-16!"


Letting out a chuckle as I climbed onto Athena's chassis, I would slip the battery into the port on top of her. After a high-pitched whirl and a feeling of buzzing around me, I knew her shields were up. But, enough chit-chat on the kit-kat...Sonuvah-! Still need to work on those quips! Being engaged by three Titans, I stormed up an idea.

"Divide and conquer!"


As Athena engaged the Legion as it finished reloading, she stuck her arm all the way out towards the Scorch as it shot a thermite ball from its T-203. Springing up onto her arm, I would run along it as I shot my arm out with the grappling hook. Hitting the ball, I would twirl with a roar as I whipped the cord. Causing the ball to return to sender as I hopped off Athena's hand. Meanwhile, Athena made sure to pressure the Legion into submission by continuing to fire a she did her best to dodge its hail of gunfire.

As I soared through the air, that Scorch Titan I was going to take on had just finished reloading its launcher. Bringing up its hand, I knew it was going to activate its thermal shield so, I took a page straight from that fight with Scaletta. Tossing a satchel at its hand, I shot the charge mid air with the Softball as the Scorch's hand basically blew up. Landing on its arm, I would give the Pilot a grin through my helmet before activating my Phase Module in time for a round from that Northstar to whizz by position.

Meanwhile, Athena would catch up to the Legion and kick away its Predator Cannon with a twirl as she reloaded with malicious intent. I say malicious intent because she slammed an unstable arc round box into her chaingun.

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