Chapter Seven: Growing a Pair

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-Third Person-

As (Y/N) mentally cursed himself as he just witnessed Jaune gets pushed to the ground by Cardin. Only to get picked up by his collar and get punched down to the ground yet again.

"You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy."

Right after, Cardin picked him up once again as his goons stoodby as if waiting to clean up whatever was left of Jaune.

"I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces."

At this very moment, the pilot was about to activate another STIM boost to make the run less than a second but, he was thoroughly caught off guard.

"I don't care what you do to me... but you are not messing with my team."

He gave Cardin a look of pure anger and spite as even the dodo brain bully was taken back a bit. (Y/N) knew exactly where this was going as he lowered his gauntleted left hand. Gaining a small grin under his helmet.

-First Person-

Well I'll be. I guess he really DOES have a place in this Academy. Little shocking if I had to be honest. My mind flashed for a bit as I saw a younger version of myself in what seemed to be a cadet uniform. Seeing that uniform, I cringed as that memory had been gone for a reason. And not just for the shitty uniform itself.

"What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?"

Turning back to the situation at hand, Cardin raised his fist up as Jaune gave him a shit eating grin. Roaring out, he then punched Jaune as hard as he could but, as soon as the fist connected, Jaune's entire being gave off a flash similar to a holy light.

When it died down though, Cardin cried out in pain as he let go of Jaune to let jim land on his feet. Blondie looks at himself, as did I, and was confused to see his bruises and everything else was healed up. His hands gave off a faint glow before Sky decided to be the good little lapdog he is and kick Jaune back to the ground. Now was where I intervened.

As I activated my cloaking ability, I was prepared to run up until a faint low growl could be heard. Skidding to a stop, I looked around and went a bit wide eyed as I saw something that made me freeze up. A huge bear-like grimm. Thing was, its armor plating and spike count was far larger than I had seen before.


As if things couldn't get worse, it stood up on its hind legs and sniffed the air near the group. It's eyes then landed onto Cardin, specifically his chestplate which still had that tree sap. Landing back onto its paws and legs, it immediately let out a roar that made me shake a bit. Not from fear but because it literally made me shake from turbulence. As for Cardin's goons though? Well...yeah, no. They ran away like a bunch of pu-

My thoughts were cut off when it's huge paw came down on Cardin and threw him to the side of the clearing. Looking at him then back at Jaune, the Ursa Major ignored the guy and made its way towards Cardin. The guy quickly brought out his weapon but, the grimm swiped it away towards Jaune who gained a conflicted look. Making us two.

Grunting out, I so wanted to let the Winni the pagan pooh have its way with the guy but, fuck do my morals scare me sometimes. Scoffing, I dashed right over to Cardin as he was basically shoved to the ground. This is a very interesting mirrored situation. Almost poetic.

As I skid to a stop in front of Cardin, I'm prepared to drop down an A-Wall shield when its paw comes down. However, Jaune seemed to have gained the same idea since he pulled a white knight move and blocked it with his own shield. Nicely done, blonde.

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