Chapter 5: Ass-kicking of the Century

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-First Person-

I was in the middle of a dream, a nightmare to be exact. I was back in Angel City, my city, my home, my nightmare. I was smaller than I was now, maybe around 10 years old. I had just got back from hanging outside with a couple of friends.

"Mom! MoooOooom! I'm home!....Mom...?"

Looking in the living room, I saw two men in soldiered uniforms while one wore a suit and pants of sorts. They all looked at me while my mom was sobbing heavily.

"He'll do."

Right after, my mom yelled out as two men grabbed me. Instinctively, I yelled out as I they brought me back outside and too a truck. Tossing me inside the back, I yelled more before suddenly yelling out.

Now awake, I panted heavily and sweated profusely as Athena's eye raised to the window. Looking to her, I whipped my head in her direction and sighed out.


"I...Yeah...I'm good just....same damn nightmare is all."


"I will, I will...."

Sighing out, I then continued my morning routine. Jog, shower, breakfast, then it was time for classes.

-Third Person-

Most of the day for the young pilot was uneventful due to the fact he had none of team RWBY nor JNPR in his classes. Now that lunchtime rolled around the corners, he'd sigh softly as he felt drained.

Entering the cafeteria, he'd quickly notice team RWBY and JNPR sitting together. Talking about something but, as (Y/N) arrived, the conversation took a turn he was scared of. Nora having gotten up from her seat and getting into a stance as her face turned into a malicious one.

"Oh! Let's break his legs!"

"Uhhhh...I think I'll just head out..."

Everybody turned and smiled as they all greeted (Y/N) in their own ways before Jaune stood up. Grabbing his tray of food that seemed like he only picked at it.

"Guys! Really! It's fine! Besides! It's not like he's only a jerk to me! He's a jerk to everyone!"

"Who's a jerk-?"

However, the only thing that responded to (Y/N)'s question was a cry before an Australian accented voice yelled "That hurts!" Followed by a group of laughter. Everyone turned to the source as saw the school bully, Cardin Winchester, and his team. Cardin was grabbing and pulling at the ear of a bunny faunus.

"Please stop..."

The faunus said softly as the ginger haired bully chuckled out. Exclaiming how the ears of the girl were indeed real before his teammate, Russel Thrush, speak out.

"What a freak!"

Weiss's eyes turned back to wear (Y/N) was and instantly noticed clenched fists. She would then watch him begin to approach the team as the rest of her friends watched on.

-First person-

Bastards...all of em. Right now, I had my vision on the biggest dude there. These pricks think they could pick on their own peers just 'cause of a difference in genes?

Looking at them, the image of a taller raven haired boy took Cardin's place as I approached them. Growling under my helmet. Alright, these pricks want to pick on somebody? I'll give 'em something to pick. Pick out their broken teeth from their own mouth.

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