*Filler: Different Caliber, Same Use

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Hello hellooooooo before we start I want to make it clear. Fillers in this series will be flagged with a asterisk * or a pound # symbol.
Asterisk will mean the filler chapter will carry a canon significance in the story.
Pound will be the opposite. It's simply filler and a way for me to have fun.
With that out the way, onwards!
-Third Person-

The next day, (Y/N) had skipped his morning routine since it would only hinder his recovery in his current state. Hell, most of the night was spent finding a position that didn't hurt as much as he could bare. Finally, and ironically, he found a position laying right on the bruise. Almost forcing his body to endure it enough that it later ignored was when he was able to sleep.

Now that morning was up, he was currently laying in bed with a pair of Beacon Academy sweatpants and a (F/C) undershirt. In his hands, he was reading the book Blake had left him and was munching away at the cookies Ruby had left him. In reality, all the things he was given were used after he woke up. Jaune's letter was read and pinned above the bed as a cherished memory, Nora's sap had no use but the remainder was a nice glaze for Ruby's cookies and strawberries. Pyrrha's soup was first to go since he was hungry. And Ren's bonsai tree was put neatly on the nightstand. Weiss's schnee logo'd ice pack was actually under the bandages he reapplied and Yang's sunny little dragon sat right next to the bonsai tree.

-First Person-

Not gonna lie, breakfast wasn't really breakfast but by god was that soup something. Imma have to ask Pyrrha for the recipe some time around.

Still minding my own business, I was comfortably reading the book. Boy was it interesting. The dude had two souls in his body, his own and another. And both were fighting for control. Continuing to read got interrupted when a knock came at my door. Grunting out, I had rejected the idea of getting up so;

"One sec! Athena?"

Athena's arm soon came through my open dorm room window before simply "booping" the door module. A small beep came from it before the door opened to show my favorite little red. Ruby. Or at least her head. Peaking around, she gave me a huge smile to which I chuckled to.

"Sup, Red?"

"Hiya! Just wanted to come visit is all! Right now is my free period sooooo~!"

Stepping inside fully, she was holding a small plate of what seemed to be cookies. Propping myself up with a wince, she walked over to me and sat down next to me as she gave off the energy of a puppy. Heart tug! Ack!

"Those for me?"

"Well not all of them! Sheesh. A girl's gotta eat too, yknow."

Laughing softly at her bashful nature, she then peeled off the plastic foil before grabbing a cookie and munching on it soflty. I went to grab one but, my arm had other ideas as a pins and needles kind of feeling shot through it. Making me wince and reel it back, Ruby looked at me with a bit of worry.

"I'm alright...Just rib injuries are the worst..."


"A wha?"

"Bruised long and severe bruise."


Ruby seemed a bit worried so, she did naturally what any young naive, innocent and cute girl would do. Grabbing a cookie, she held it up to my mouth as she simply munched away at her own.

"There! Now you don't have to struggle."

'Well...this is a bit awkward but, to hell I go if I deny this cookie! En garde!'

RWBY: Upholding the MissionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα