Chapter Three: Schools In

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-Third Person-

Morning had been now set upon the campus as the sky was orange yet, dark blue from the still rising sun. Roughly around 5:30am, the Pilot would awake to their alarm going off as they groaned awake. Next to their bed was a nightstand with a digital alarm clock as well as a data knife, an old habit.

His hand would reach out and try to calm the roaring beast that was the spiteful clock. After a few attempts, the Pilot let out a growl before grabbing the knife and slamming it down onto the table. Piercing through the clock and effectively shutting it off.


(Y/N) simply groaned before going to cover himself with the blanket once again. However, he made the mistake of letting his window stay open the night so air could go in. He just didn't anticipate the hand of Athena to go in too. Picking him up from the bed despite being a giant murder bot, she picked up with such care and attention that (Y/N) simply yawned as she stood up him.

Being in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and a (F/C) undershirt, he'd begin by stretching. Causing multiple pops and cracks to emanate from his upper torso as well as waist. This was the first time in about 3 weeks that he's had actual sleep. Everyday, he'd try to take a nap if he could but, since the MCS James MacAllan crashed onto Typhon, that had become limited. Finally, he'd grab his pilot suit from nearby and slip into it but, kept the upper portion off. Not even putting on his armor pieces like chest plate and joint pads.


"One step ahead of you. I just won't be doing for too long. After all, class is today. Somebody named Port and a few others."

He simply shrugged before putting on his helmet and exiting the room. Closing the door behind himself as he then went to exit the dormitory. Since it was so early, it meant nobody was there to bother him.

-First Person-

Early morning here was different. Before the James MacAllan decided to crash into Typhon, I'd usually just jog around the ship or enter one of the simulation pods for a quick match. Now? I had to basically do the opposite.

Right now, I was jogging around the giant courtyard of the academy as I took in t he sights of the place fully. The architecture yet blend of technology reminded me of a technologically advanced fairy tale. Hm.

Before I could even begin to make connections between the factors on Remnant that looked like a fairy tale, I bumped into something or better yet, someone. With a yelp from the other, my pilot training kicked in as I instinctively grabbed their arm and brought them back up. Being rather close to them, he would the person who he had collided with. Upon seeing who it was, his eyes went wide in a mix of fear and embarrassment.

-First Person-

'Oh no...'

"Mister Pilot! My goodness, you need to watch where you step."

What kind of anime protagonist am I that the world decided the woman in front of me was the choice of today. Miss Goodwitch. Instantly I shot back as I brought my head down rapidly to bow to her in apologies.

"Excuse my behavior please!"

Looking up, I could have sworn I heard a wolf whistle as Miss Goodwitch was in a pair of purple leggings and a white tank top, even sporting a purple headband. I instantly looked away as she let out a sigh. She either didn't seem to notice the issue at the moment or knew it but, thought nothing of it.

"All is forgiven. May I ask what you are doing up so early?"

Looking back at her, I TRIED to look away from her figure but, my eyes always slowly creeped back to them. Then I had an idea. Turning off my helmet visor, the internal screen would go black as I now could speak in peace. Sorry, horny, not today.

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