Prologue: World Folding in on Itself

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This was the final push the Militia and its allies had to make. If they failed now, Harmony would be destroyed and the rest of the Frontier's fate would be grim. Currently, a team of pilots were leading a ground assault on an IMC facility near the fold weapon that would ease up some of the pressure on the Frontier's last hope, Jack Cooper.

-First Person-

Currently, I was running at speeds that made a hare on crack look like a joke through one of the outer buildings of the facility. Despite the speed, I wasn't even breaking a sweat or panting. Even given my calmness in the sprint, I wasn't going to slow down. The motivation? The many bullets tearing through the walls behind me thanks to an IMC Legion titan.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

The end of the long hallway was coming to the end in the form of a window and a curve at the end that went to the left. Thinking for not even a split second, I knew that turning would let the very angry Legion behind the wall to the my right, fill me up with holes and then some. So, I jumped forward towards the window. Tucking my legs upwards and putting my arms up to better fit through the window, I'd crash right through it. For a second, I could have sworn I felt one of the many pebbled shards go down my suit's collar and down my back but, no time to ponder.

Looking down, I noticed the window led out to a pretty decent drop. One that I should avoid thanks to the fact it was a canal and an open area. Quickly, I turned around mid-air and shot my left arm up, showing off a rather small yet, notable rectangular device. With a flick of the wrist, the device on my gauntlet would shoot a grappling hook and line out towards the edge of the roof of the building I was just in. As soon as the grappling hook hit, I would activate my jump-kit by bringing up my legs a bit as I made my body parallel to the cord.

This combined action caused my body and the line to whip me forward at high speeds. As the hook finally detached from the building, my eyes went wide a bit as I saw the Legion from earlier pointing its Predator Cannon right at me. Thinking quick, I reached to my utility belt and pulled a firestar from an easy accessible pouch. With the reel of my arm, I chucked it down hard and fast at the chassis's front. As soon as it made impact, it bursts into a small puddle of flames on the ocular systems. I could tell my plan worked because the Legion's aim faltered heavily as soon as it began firing. The bullets flying all around me made me pray to every single god, goddess, prophet, saint, hell, I even had the flying spaghetti monster popped up for a few milliseconds in my head.

Seeing as how my jump-kit had time to recharge, I released another burst as I jump up onto the top of the titan with a gentle yet, heavy thud. With a grunt, I'd cling onto it as I looked for the battery slot as I ignored the sparks my firestar created since I was wearing my helmet. Which wasn't hard to find since it was black on an all white chassis with green forming a ring. Grabbing the battery with one hand, using the other to hold on, I'd twist it and pull it out as the shields of the Legion went down with a heavy burst of air. Clipping the battery onto the back of my belt, right above my jump-kit, I'd then focus back on the Legion as it's cockpit began to open as the firestar's thermite combustion wore off.

"Oh no you don't!"

Springing forward, I reached to my belt again and pulled out a fragmentation grenade. Pulling the pin off, I'd jump onto the edge of the hatch before quickly hopping off it. With a twist of myself, I'd grab the same edge I jumped onto with my left hand and whipping myself forward. Causing my feet to kick into the enemy pilot's chest. I know I caught them off guard when they recoiled back into their cockpit seat with a heavy thud. Dropping the grenade into the cockpit, I jumped back and grabbed the cockpit door with both hands. As I fell to the ground, I brought the hatch down to a close. With a land, I then heard the muffled sound of an explosion before a bit of the cockpit door was peppered up nicely in small holes from the fragmentation.

RWBY: Upholding the Missionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें