Chapter 1 | Childhood Friend

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The breeze fluttered, cherry blossom petals effortlessly was held captive to the sudden burst of wind.


A girl, with long flowing silky brown hair and pink orbs, pinched her nose and sniffled quietly, her eyes red from the tears that she unconsciously let out.

"What are you crying for?" The boy helplessly patted the girl's head—soothing her pitiful figure as she slowly break down, "I'm gonna meet you one day anyway, so let's make a promise."

He raised his pinky, a small smile on his face.

"Momo, when we grow up, let's get married!"

The said girl lifted her gaze, rubbing her eyes and stared at him with determination.


They both interlocked their finger together, giggling. Not minding the outside perspective and the world itself.

"What the actual hell..."

I scrunched up my face, disgusted by the amount of flowers they are radiating in the scene.

"Ah... youth." My mother said longingly, staring at the both of them warmly.


I'm the daughter here.

Looking beside me, I saw the deadpanned face of a bored boy. It's my brother, Tsuki. His face was a void of oblivion, his face is as blank as the night sky in the city.

City skies during midnight have no stars, seriously.

And it perfectly describes him, a bored and uninterested person who is calmly sipping his chocolate shake whilst watching Momo and Haru's heartfelt exchanges.

When my brother saw me looking at him, he gave me a sympathetic look and mouthed something—directing his head towards the about-to-cry Momo.

'You have to deal with this now.'


Damn, pushing all the responsibilities of coaxing Momo to me. I resigned myself and approached the flowery yet sentimental frame reluctantly.

I seriously don't want to interrupt those two, plus, my teeth are hurting from watching them side by side.

However, a saviour appeared.

I saw Haru's mother happily come up to the lovey-dovey duo. By that, I brightened up, walking towards my brother.

"Come on now," She stroked Momo and Haru so lovingly that I might mistake that Momo is her daughter, "Haru isn't gone forever, you both can still contact each other."

Momo's eyes sparkled, "Really?!"

The adult nodded her head and watched as Momo embraced his son with relief.

"We can stay friends, Haru!"

Momo excitedly said it, not noticing the slight flinch from Haru. He smoothly replied back with the same excitement, but me and my brother noticed the disappointment in Haru's eyes.

"Oof, friendzoned." My brother snickered, "He's gonna have a rough future."

"I hope he does."

"Same here," brother then sighed, "That's what he gets for being the childhood friend."

That's right folks.

My brother, Watanabe Tsuki, is my accomplice in this.

He also noticed the cliched atmosphere and storyline when he introduced Haru to me and Momo.

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