Chapter 30 | Ignored By

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The buzzing sound of my alarm clock defeated the silence of the morning day, successfully waking me out of my sleep. I groaned and tried reaching out to my phone, fumbling my way through the sheets to find it and click on the snooze button.

Finally, the beeping sound stopped as I sighed in relief, closing my eyes but being unable to fall back asleep. No matter how much I tossed and turn, the clock continues ticking.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times and contemplated,

Should I go to school?

Because I really don't want to.

I stared at the ceiling and glared at it, reluctantly rolling out of bed and eventually getting up to get ready for hell- ehem, I mean, school. Even if I don't want to go, it's not like I had that choice in the first place.

Groggily standing up, I head towards the bathroom and washed my face, and took a cold shower since that's the only way to make my eyes open.

I tried preventing myself from daydreaming in the shower and it partially failed, though I did come to my sense soon enough.

I grabbed the clothes I placed on the dressing table's chair and smooth out the wrinkles, furrowing my brows at the sight of a random stain on the white uniform.

I shrugged, not like I cared of how I looked at the first place.

Looking at the mirror, I frowned and look closer, seeing how my eyes were swollen and a bit red.

"Now where did I put the concealer..." I opened the mirror which revealed the storage part of it and spotted what I wanted, albeit in a very bad state. "I really need to buy a new one."

As I got ready to set out from my house and head to the school, I can't help but feel a sense of apprehension settling down.

"Why're you not eating your breakfast?" Brother asked, munching on a biscuit.

"Dunno, don't feel like it."

He paused for a bit but then said, "Cool. Can I have it instead?"

I nodded and he didn't waste time and ravaged my breakfast like some kind of starved beast. I sighed at his behaviour but this is kind of thing is normal in this household.

"I'm going now, see ya."

"Aren't you going to walk with Momo?"

"She's still sick." I mumbled, "I think."

Before brother could say anything more, I quickly walked off and took an umbrella with me, not looking back.

Routines I easily do in the morning felt like a chore, like some kind of burden weighing me.

Ugh, I really don't want to go to school.


"Good morning- whoa?"

I glowered at Class rep who looked at me like I was some kind of exotic animal in an auction.

"What do you want?"

"Why do you look so..." He hummed and tried thinking of the right words, "You look constipated!"

I rolled my eyes and sat on my seat, ignoring Class rep.

Instead, I dragged my last two braincells into a very hot debate on how I should possibly reply to Haru's letter in my head.

Option A: Go to his classroom and tell him my reply

Option B: Just send back a letter

Option A is too risky, I'll never know if his fangirls somehow find blackmails and use it against me and ruin my life just to keep me away from the school's new heartthrob. While option B is too... corny.

Then, I'll need another choice...

Option C: Burn the school

"Right, this is the most suitable-"

Before I could continue my monologue, a loud voice cut me off.


There's only one person who can scream that loud early in the morning without any consequences.

My heart sank when I saw his wavy light brown hair and his hazel coloured eyes, leaving me momentarily frozen.

The dimly lit classroom suddenly got 5 shades brighter as Haru's cheery voice echoed in the classroom. I looked at him in pure confusion and dread as he happily skips to my desk.

"Ugh my eyes-" I ignored Class rep's cries of help for his eyesight.

Though I was flabbergasted by his sudden entrance, I thought of telling Haru face to face now that he's here.

"Haru, listen, about the study-"

"Oh yeah! About that," He casually cuts me off and gave me a smile (which successfully blinded Class rep at the background) "Just go to my house, you know where right? Oh and here."

I accepted whatever he gave me absentmindedly, "No listen, I don't want to go-"

"See you on Saturday then!!"

Then just like before, he disappeared as if he was never here at the first place.

The class fell silent, mainly because there weren't many people at the first place, but the silence was somehow suffocating.

I looked at my desk blankly, the candy he gave me at the corner at my eye, then back to the place where Haru exited the classroom.


"Damn, he really cut you off like that." Class rep snickered at my pale face, "Good luck on whatever you are dragged into."

"Take a guess."

"Study date?"

I groaned, "I hate you."

Class rep cackled and held his stomach, laughing for who knows how long while I slammed my head on the desk, contemplating my entire reason of existing.

I really can't go a day without chaos in my life.

"I hate my life."

Class rep wiped the tear at the corner of hie eye and chuckled, "What're you gonna do about it? Burn the school down?"

"Don't give me ideas," I clicked my tongue, "I might just do it this time."

"Well, I'm into that idea." He gave me cheeky grin and sat beside me when the teacher came in, showing me a pair of glasses. "I got a new prescription since I got blinded yesterday, tell me your opinion about it."

"You look like Harry Potter."

"Gee, thanks, but these aren't even circular glasses."

Rolling my eyes, "It wasn't a compliment."

"I'd say it is."

I asked him why he even changed the frames at the first place and he shrugged, flipping the pages of the textbook with nonchalance.

"It adds to my personality."

"...sure it does." I gave up on the conversation and directed my attention back to the class.


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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

People who can casually write 1k or more words each chapter has my absolute respect. I find it so hard to do

Also since it's in the 1st pov, so describing things is way harder than when I do in 3rd pov.

Trust me when I say that 2nd pov is probably the hardest to write in, I tried once and failed horribly. Anyways... ig I won't be doing any xreader fanfics anytime soon-

Thanks for reading!! :D


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