Chapter 31 | Study Date

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The afternoon sun slapped my face as I squinted my eyes at its unreasonably hot temperature, using my imagination to force the wispy clouds to cover the dazzling ball of light, and well, it did work (the wind did it, I wish I could-)

A mild breeze blew past me, and it wasn't refreshing at all, it was stupidly hot.

I walked mindlessly, occasionally greeting the cats at the neighbourhood by petting their heads and I may have indulged myself too much to their cuteness. I can't help it okay? Cats are cute.

When I finally got to stop myself from getting distracted, I stopped right before the corner of the road and faced right.

I stared at the familiar looking house that I haven't gone to for a decade and let out a sigh.

How did I get here?

"Don't just stand there, come on in!"

I snapped from my trance when Haru pulled my hand and brought me into the house, telling me where to place my shoes at.

As the great person I am, I obediently placed to where it should be and entered Haru's residence with cautiousness. The house was quiet, too quiet—and it was weirdly empty too, maybe because they just moved in around a week ago.

But there were no boxes in sight, and it seemed as though they should settle in all by now.

Perhaps they're in the storage room? Too embarrassed to show a guest that they haven't fully unpackage their belongings to their old home?

Oh man why am I even overthinking this?!

"Yasu?" Haru's face appeared in my line of sight, his tilted head looking at me with wonder. "You good?"

"Huh? Ah yeah, t-totally." 

I cursed underneath my breath when I stammered.

He chuckled at my reaction and smiled, an expression that I couldn't read and it made me uneasy but I pushed that thought behind me.

"If you're hungry, there's some food in the fridge." He lazily showed around the house, "The bathroom's beside my room."

I mindlessly nodded my head without thinking much.

"Follow me."

I perked up and saw him going up the stairs, catching him smirking at me.

That had no business being so attractive.

I nodded and followed him quickly after, walking up the stairs carefully and winced when the wooden floor squeaked.

"Are your parents not home?" I asked, not used to the silence.

"Nope," He popped the 'p' and licked his lips, "They're both abroad."

I find myself wondering about his family situation, but remembering how his parents were when were younger and scoffed at myself. Not every love interests have tragic backstory or family issues Yasu, you pessimistic bitc-

"They got divorced though."

"Oh," I flinched, "That's... I'm sorry."

Damn, I guess I am right then.

He gave me sad smile and ruffled my hair, "Don't be, I didn't tell you, Momo and Tsuki too"

So I was the first one to know..?

"Why me then?" I asked.

"...I don't know, just felt like it. And aren't you my best friend too?" He pouted and opened the door to his room, changing the topic. "You can sit there, I hope you don't mind the messy state of my room."

I dusted the ground and sat down, pulling my bag to my side and taking out the books. I looked around the room as he moved some of the boxes on the ground.

He said it's messy... but it's really not.

His room is pretty clean, and he had lots of cabinets with labels, but there were some boxes that was either half-opened or empty that was on the floor.

 Textbooks and notebooks spread out before us, and I took out my stationeries, thinking of how I could tutor this guy. He sat at the opposite side and gave me a smile.

"Let's start."

Oh boy.

He'll regret saying that.


"I can't do this anymore!"

"Oh no, you aren't going anywhere until you finish this." I let out a wicked laugh as I see Haru slumped on the table, finding his misery highly amusing. "Come on, this is some 3rd grade stuff, it ain't that hard."

"It is!!" He groaned and stood up, "Aren't you hungry? Let's take a break, don't you want the limited edition pudding I bought overseas-"

"Haru." I smiled menacingly.

"-Yes ma'am."

I pointed back at his seat, "Sit down."

"Yes ma'am..."

He stuck out his lower lip and trudged back to his seat with reluctance, sighing as I could somehow imagine dog ears while he sulked. I propped my hand on the table and held my chin, watching him do the work excruciatingly slow and sighed.

"If you manage to finish this," I started and his ears perked up, "I'll give you a 30 minute break. Nothing more, nothing less."

He looked at me in disbelief before beaming, blinding my vision with his million dollar smile as I covered my eyes with my hand.

Nope, not going blind today folks.

I took out the manga I borrowed from Class rep while Haru did the work I gave him with speed (why didn't he do that before?) and I sipped out the can of coffee I brought with me, occasionally stealing glances at Haru to see his progress.

The background had the soft hum of classical music that Haru opened from his laptop, filling the quiet room with soothing melody.

And for once, I did not think of the shoujo, and instead enjoyed the moment as it is.

The one in front of me isn't the love interest of Momo, or the childhood friend that ignored me all throughout childhood.

Right now, he's just Haru. An annoying guy that can't read the room, who's too excited for his own good and really likes bread.

I wish I could freeze time and stay like this.

Flipping the pages of the manga, I gave Haru one last glance before completely immersing myself in the story, resting my back at the side of his bed.

A few minutes passed and I faintly heard him let out a sigh of relief. I look up from the manga and saw him with an accomplished smirk as he pointed at the paper.

"I did it!"

"You did," I examined the paper, "I'm surprised."

His mouth gaped, and he slowly raised his hand to his chest, presumably offended. I rolled my eyes and laughed, so dramatic.

"Let's eat now, I'm starving."

And on cue, Haru's stomach growled. His face slowly turned red and he quickly got out from the room.

I grinned, "Seems like you agree too."


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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I have upcoming exams, but I haven't studied a single thing lmao I'm so dead

Oh and funny story, the counselling teacher called my name and was genuinely concerned about my mental health but I just laughed 💀 (believe me I swear I'm mentally stable-)

Enough of the negative vibes, tell me your thoughts about this chapter!

Thanks for reading!! :D


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