Chapter 7 | Puzzle Pieces

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"Ah seriously," My brother scratched his neck awkwardly, "I just asked a random and irrelevant question. Sorry Yasu."

I shook my head, reassuring him that I don't mind.

"Well, I'm going back home."


He shifted his gaze and set his eyes to the path we previously took.

"I think I know how to come back home."

"Really?" My tone suggested that I was doubtful of his statement.

He smiled helplessly, "Trust me a little."


After twists and turns, we found a familiar view.

"Oh, the post office earlier."

My brother sighed in relief, putting his hand on his heart. I chuckled and ran there with no restraints.

I could faintly hear my brother telling me to slow down but I was born rebellious, thus I did not listen to him as per usual.

He jogged towards me and eventually caught up. He abruptly halted on his tracks and took a deep breath.

"First one to get home will get extra portion of rice!"

I froze, flustered by the sudden challenge.


He sprinted away and it took me a second to comprehend that before I ran with all my might.

"Hey, that's cheating!"

"It's not!"

I was out of breath before hurriedly trying to reply back, "It is!"

The cats that were around woke up from their slumber due to us, the old lady by the road also noticed.

Passing by the convenience store, the regulars there just observed us running to the ends of earth like a volcano eruption is about to happen.

"They're at it again."

"I guess Watanabe-san didn't lie when she said handling her kids can give headaches."

Giving mother headaches is practically a routine now.

"Slow down!"

My brother glanced behind and took off faster. I felt a vein pop on my head and a sudden burst of motivation increased my agility.

The warm light turned muted the more we ran up to the hill of our house. I think we wandered around too long.

I lifted my head while rushing towards brother.

We were so noisy earlier but heavens, the way we change our mode is so unpredictable that even I fail to make sense of. One minute we're chaotic and the next is accompanied with heavy silence.

But it's alright. It's meant to be that way, we're siblings after all.

Whether we fight or whatever, I have never thought of the moments of silence to be strange or out of place.

We communicate through telepathy. 

Quote what my father said, he's completely right.

My brother is a man of few words, and he has an overly hyper little sister that will take any chance to bring him to her level.

I'm such a good sister, aren't I?

If I say that out loud, I'm sure brother would deny with all his might. What a shame, he can't see the kindness I'm giving to him. I have the option of bringing him down with me and he has the option to stoop below his line. 

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