Chapter 14 | Love Interests

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"Why is it so cold?"

I whined, constantly tugging my sleeve and rubbing it to create some sort of warmth.

Momo tilted her head in amusement, "Is it?"


Momo simply laughed at my misery. I sulked and hit the nearest person beside me, which was Hiroshi.

He gave me a wronged look and dramatically wiped his non-existent tears with exaggerated gasps.

"Are you freezing that much? That you had to hit me?"

"Necessary? No." My mouth twitched into an unsettling smile, "Funny? Yes."

I could hear brother stifling a laugh at the back.

Hiroshi continued his act, "I can't believe you grew up like this." He took his tie and wiped the corner of his eyes, "You used to be so cute, what a pity..."

Brother glared at him, he tensed up.

"Are you delusional?" Brother wrapped his hands on my shoulder and gripped it tightly.

I was about to feel touched by his over-protectiveness, until...

He pointed his finger to me, "How the hell can this be cute?" 


Momo froze and slowly looked at me. She immediately had sweat despite the fairly cold weather.

Hiroshi paused before laughing in the most awkward manner possible, "Her personality is cute. It's not always from the outside, Tsuki." He made an effort to make me feel better, unlike a certain someone.

Brother shook his head and adjusted his spectacles.

The definition of going with the flow in brother's dictionary is like putting a big tree trunk on a one-way river. 

That trunk is brother.

In other words, going with the flow plus saving face is simply an archived word in his dictionary.

"When she was born, she literally rebelled and refused to get out." He scoffed, "I think your standards are too low, Asahi."

A vein popped out of my forehead—Momo hurriedly tried to change the topic, "Hey uh..."

But there was nothing to talk about.

Momo worriedly chuckled and gave a sos signals through her eyes to Hiroshi. Unfortunately, he's in the same state as Momo. Hiroshi paled and pursed his lips helplessly, he knew he can't do anything once I set my goal on it.

In this Shoujo Manga, a sibling quarrel will be the main focus.

Who cares about heroines and male leads? The tea is hot right now.

I smiled, my fist ready to fight brother.

"The Watanabe household will be a three-member family from now on."


"Welcome to a new semester, I hope you had a good holiday."

The teacher smiled happily, but we all know what was coming.

"As for that, please make a 5 page essay about your experiences during the holiday, okay? I was about to add something relating to making poems but we'll do that another time."

I thumped my head to the table, groaning quietly.

Looks can be deceiving, how can she smile so brightly while telling us to do homework...

"Do it you guys, I'll go now~"

The door closed, I exchanged glances with some of the new classmates. Momo was busy drawing so I have to consult to someone else.

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